Rude Awakenings and Hyperactive Boys.

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Paul was the first to wake up in the morning.

John and himself were both sharing a room, while George and Ringo were sharing another.

The second youngest Beatle, sat up tiredly, stretched, and looked over at the clock next to his bed.

He sighed sleepily when he saw the time.

He was still kind of tired, but they had a big interview today, so they all needed to be up and ready, as soon as possible.

Paul got up out of bed, began sleepily making his way over to John, and gently started shaking the sleeping form.

"Hey Johnny, come on mate, it's time to wake up." Paul whispered, though loud enough for the elder to hear him.

John groaned, waking up slowly.

"What the hell do you want, Paulie?" John grumbled, rubbing at his eyes, annoyed at being being waken up from his beauty sleep.

"It's time to wake up, we've got that interview today, remember?" Paul reminded the man, who was still rubbing at his eyes.

"Argh, do we have to? Can't we just skip it?" John questioned, falling back onto his pillow, though he obviously already knew the answer.

"No John, we can't, now get up, and start getting ready, I'm going to see if George and Ringo are up." Paul told his older friend, firmly.

John moaned, but nevertheless, got up, and out of his bed.

Paul walked out of his and John's room, and walked over to George and Ringo's room.

He didn't even bother knocking on the door, and walked right into the room.

What he saw, was not what he was expecting.

Ringo and George were fast asleep, both in Ringo's bed, the youngest was sleeping peacefully against Ringo's chest, one of his hands were clutching at Ringo's shirt, while the other was up against his mouth, and he was slightly sucking on his thumb.
Now this was a sight to see.

"I'd better wake them, before John gets in here and sees this." Paul told himself quietly.

But he wasn't quick enough.

"They awake then, or what?" John mumbled, as he walked into the room.

"John, I thought I told you to get dressed?" Paul angrily questioned his friend, quietly.

John smirked as soon as he saw the scene in front of him.

"Aw, well, look at the two love birds then!" John shouted, loud enough to wake both of the sleeping boys.

"Wha-what? What's going on?" Ringo asked, jumping up into a sitting position, confused.

George sat up sleepily, still half asleep, his thumb was still half way into his mouth.

"Aw, look at Georgie! He's sucking on his thumb! What a cute little baby." John cooed, mockingly.

George became fully awake at that, and with a bright red face, quickly yanked his thumb out of his mouth.

"Sh-shut up, John!" George stuttered, embarrassed.

"How cute! Is the little baby embarrassed? Aw, that's adorable." John cooed, once again, making George angry.

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