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I looked at you as our song played. My eyes twinkled and colour rose to my lips as I remembered how we would hold hands and I softly swayed to it in your passenger seat. I remember how the setting sun shone through your eyes as you mouthed the words with one hand lazily gripping the steering wheel. You would look at me every so often, like I was the most beautiful girl you had ever witnessed. In that moment, maybe I was.

But like you say, nothing ever lasts and people always hurt.

I looked at you as our song played and I watch your eyes settle on her. Her eyes are twinkling and colour is rising to her lips. Slowly, she begins to mouth the lyrics, as if it is a prayer too sacred to say out loud. Your eyes are glowing with the fire she set in you and your fingers interlace with hers. You do not realize I am in the room. You pull her closer.

I am trembling like the night you told me you were not falling in love with me after all. I was shaking so furiously I could hardly stand. Did you know that? Of course not- you never asked. She is all you see and you are all I feel. And as I watch you fall for somebody else, I try to remember- nothing ever lasts and people always hurt

Excerpts From A Book I'll Never WriteWhere stories live. Discover now