Surprise!! ~H2Ocat~

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Going over my list in Ch. 1, I realized I haven't done these two! So as a present, here's this story! Also, sorry for the late update, I'm sick 🤒

(Tyler's POV)

It's been a rough 6 months with out him. He left for college a month after school ended, leaving not a lot of time for us to spend time together. I understand though, we both had agreed, back when we first started dating, that "education first, relationship second, unless something important happens." So, he left, leaving me to suffer alone for one more year. I'm not completely alone though, I still have Craig, Evan, Brock, Luke, Bryce, and Ryan. Brian and Marcel had left for college the same time he did. "Tyler, don't worry. You're halfway through the year so the end it's not that far." Craig comforted me. Evan put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile, "We all miss them, but we need to finish school to go join them."

(Delirious' POV)

As I walked out of my school for the last time of the school year, I quickly head over to my dorm. Marcel and Brian had already left to visit the guys because they had the last period as a free period. I, on the other hand, actually had a class so I would arrive later. Tyler had told me about his upcoming game but I was going to surprise him there. Currently, he believes that I still have a month left of school so he won't even expect me or the other two to be there. Pulling my pre-packed luggage out of my closet, I head out the door and shoot a quick text to Evan.

(E- Evan J- Johnathan)
J- Hey man, leaving my school and heading towards the airport! Tyler's gonna be so excited.
E- Yeah man, he has no idea about this. He's just busy exercising and practicing for the game tomorrow. Text me when you land so Craig and I can pick you up.
J- Sure thing! You should also get working too, don't want Tyler to out-play you. 😉
E- Lol, see ya later Jon.
J- Bye!

I put my phone away and jump into my car. On the way, music from the radio fills my ears and my fingers drum on the steering wheel. Other cars passing by and birds soaring high. When I finally arrive at the airport, I park my car and unload my luggage. I walk away from my car to head towards the airport, with many people already filing in and out of the massive building. I walk up to the front desk to get all of the information I needed, and headed towards the bathroom. After doing my buisness, I reach security and go through the scanner that makes sure you don't have any weapons. (A/N, I actually am petrified of those scanner things no matter where they are.)

~time skip~

Thankfully, I have a window seat with an empty seat between me and the other passenger. I had my laptop on the mini pull out table and my ear buds plugged into my phone. Since I didn't have any wifi, I decided to finish some editing for videos to post while I'm away. When I finished editing g, I checked the time on my phone. "6:53, not too bad. The airline website said that they should land around 8:20, which should give me enough time to check in with Marcel and Brian, drop my stuff off in my room, and drive over to the highschool to surprise Tyler." I unplug my ear buds and fall asleep.

~when the plane lands~

Standing up for the first time in a few hours, my joints crack and pop back into place. I sigh and roll my shoulders, packing everything away in my suitcase. When I finally got off of the airplane, I sat down in a chair at the Starbucks cafe. I shot a quick text to Marcel, telling to come pick me up. About 30 minutes later, Marcel and Brian comes and takes me to their hotel room. "So Johnathan, ready to surprise Tyler?" I laugh my oh-so-famous laugh, "Ready as I'll ever be!"

(Tyler's POV)

The team was doing our normal warmup routine, when Evan comes over with a wide smile. When I say wide, I mean really wide. "You ready for the game?" He slaps a hand on my shoulder. "Couldn't be any better. Now let's kick their asses!" The two of us join the huddle up and the coach lectures/hypes us up for the game. "ALRIGHT team, listen up! It's the final game of the season so make it count!" The coach dismisses us and the players head to their spots. Evan and I aren't playing at the moment so we head back with the rest of them team to sit out.

~time skip to halftime~

The announcer states the usual announcements while the marching band plays, increasing the sound levels a shit ton. The cheerleaders chant their usual cheers, the crowd singing along. "Alright everyone, we have a special surprise for one of the football players! With the the help of another player, this special guy will make this night probably the best night of his life!" Everyone goes quiet waiting for the announcer to continue. "Tyler Wilde and Evan Fong, will you please head to the middle of the field." I shoot Evan a confused look while Evan smiles, grabs my shoulder, and practically drags me to the middle. We face the announcers booth and wait for the announcer to continue. Before that could even happen, the crowd, mainly the seniors and juniors, started to cheer and shout. Evan started to cheer along and I grew even more confused. "Hey Tyler, MISS US?" A different voice rang out. "Yo Tyler, how ya been!" A second new voice said. "M-Marcel? Brian?" My mind started to swirl in confusion. Two well built arms brought me out of my trance. "Miss me teddy?" Only one voice could say that. I turned around to see my lover, "JOHNATHAN!" He picked me up and kissed me as the crowd roars. We lean our foreheads together and I hug him tightly. "Oh I missed you so much. That maniacal laugh, the constant blue in my vision. I missed it all." "Well I'm here for the next two weeks so we can catch up." Johnathan and Evan bro hug and laughs. "Good to see ya Evan." "Good to see ya Johnathan. Tyler's been a real bitch about you being gone." I blush lightly at his words. Johnathan just laughs and pats Evan's shoulder. "Thanks for setting all of this up man." I look at Evan in shock. "You knew!? Why didn't you tell me!" Evan laughs and a sigh follows after. "Bro, it's not called a surprise if you tell the person you're surprising."


Yay got this one done. Didn't really know where to go with the plot so.... yeah.... lol k bye
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