Ideas that never worked Pt2

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Short lil chappie bc I'm writing a long one :)

Waterworld - PolyBBS

Craig's POV

When Jon invited us all over for a week, he told us to bring cool clothes. When we all arrived it was fucking 103 degrees. I was wearing a white and grey tank top and black jeans, so I was basically suffering in the airport. Tyler sat next to me, wearing jeans and a blue muscle tee showing off his arms. I had to force myself to stare at my phone and not at his body. Tyler's hair was sticking out in random places, yet he still looked attractive.

~when everyone arrives at Jon's house~

Everyone except for Jon was reluctant to leave the cool car, waiting for the lone man to unlock the door and step inside. When Jon did, all of us scramble out of the car, grab our suitcases, and stumble through the door and onto the floor.

Jon puts his hands on his hips, "So now that you're all in my house, anyone down to go to the water park?"

Crippled - OhmtOoNz

3rd pov

Luke and Ryan were happy together, even though they weren't a couple. Yes, their friends teased them, yes they held hands or cuddled when the other was scared, but they never were in a relationship.

One day, Ryan and Luke decided to indoor rock climbing instead of going to the gym. Up and down they went, watching the other invade anything happened. When Luke came down from one of the walls though, the mat that was usually below wasn't there. Ryan was alerted by a yelp from his friend and came over, seeing Luke's knee a little purple and swollen.

"Some mother fucker moved the mat below me so I didn't have a cushioned landing." Luke mumbled. Ryan helped his friend to the car and drove him to the nearest hospital.

After 45 excruciating minutes, Luke and Ryan leave, with a brace on Luke's knee. Of course Ryan, being the good friend he is, forces *cough* politely asks Luke if he'd like to stay at his home so he can heal.

Yeah you can do whatever you want with these just give me credit so I can see your ending :)

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