Eyes ~DathiDeLui~

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I know that their eyes aren't what I describe, but dear child this is called fanfiction.
Also Highschool AU

David's POV

My eyes, it's always my eyes. People tell me that I'm a lady killer because of my eyes. I've tried contacts in middle school because people wouldn't stop staring but it never worked. The bright emerald shade always shone through, no matter what I did. I always thought that my eyes were a curse, considering the fact that most of the students at school say the opposite. One day, I met another boy with a similar problem to mine. Instead of an emerald green, his were rich dark brown eyes, with additional speckles of hazel near the pupil. I swore my heart melted at the mere sight. People started to crowd around us, some gazing at my eyes, others at his, but most of them looked at how we looked at each other.

Lui's POV

Holy cow, his eyes are green! I never knew such a shade of green existed, like jade crystals instead of actual eyes. Little sparks of blue littered around the pupil, tinting the green to look a little like aquamarine. I could've stared at his eyes for the rest of my life, but unfortunately we both had classes to go to. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and left the jade - eyed man. Throughout the day, I kept seeing him. Whether it be in my classes, in the hallways, or even during lunch, his eyes was the first thing I'd notice.

3rd Person POV

David and Lui saw each other everyday, but we're too shy to say anything. When the two boys had a project together in a class, they'd speak as minimal as they could, for they couldn't stop staring at each other's eyes. Even at lunch, Lui and David were in the same group of friends and would talk to each other constantly, but when it was one on one, not a single word was spoken. Over the year, the two had grown close, gaining each other's phone number because of a group text, staying up past midnight just to talk to the other. Their friends called them inseparable, sitting next to each other, always in the same group for projects, calling dibs on each other as a teammate for video games. Their friends could see the love in their eyes, but as cliche as it sounds, both boys never noticed.

When the end of the year finally rolled around, David couldn't help but feel sad. His brother had recently told him of his mother's sudden illness, and how he couldn't go to help because of a buisness event, resulting in David moving away in a few days. Yes, he was heart broken, for he hasn't told his crush how he felt, but he needed to go back home in Ireland to care of his mom. At school, Lui could instantly tell something was wrong. David's eyes wasn't as bright as it normally was. The jade aquamarine mix wasn't as prominent, the aqua barely even visible. So, Lui decided to confront him.

"Hey David, you okay? You look a little down." The duo had stepped out into the hallway to gain some peace from the loud classrom. David shook his head and sighed deeply. "No not really. My mum got sick a few days ago and my brother can't go to help her so I have to go instead." Lui didn't understand. "We could hang out after you get back! You, me, and the rest of the guys could go swimming and-" "I'm moving." Lui was taken a back. H-he's moving? "A - aren't you going to come back?" David ran his fingers through his semi-long hair and sighed again. "Look Lui, I don't know if I'm staying for a month, or even a year. All I know is that I'm going back to take care of my mum." Lui was heart broken, and David could tell by his eyes. The hazel specks just seemed to freeze mid way in his eyes, and the dark brown lightened to make the specks dissappear altogether. Both men were sad but knew it was inevitable. "Don't worry though, I'll still be able to play video games with the crew, so I won't disappear all at once." Lui wiped a single tear away and hugged David. The two swapped yearbooks and signed. Lui just wrote his name a quick little 'I'll miss you' note, but David was writing a full on letter. He had flipped to the very back to a clean side and wrote over half a pages length letter. "Read it now if you want," and with that, David said one last good bye to Lui and the crew, and headed home to pack up and leave. Lui opened his book after watching his crush leave and nearly choked on his saliva.

Dear Lui,
Thank you for an amazing year. Spending class everyday with you always made my life better. I'm so honored to call you my best friend, my buddy, my soul mate. Even though we know each other's secrets, there's one I've been hiding from you, and that's I love you. I fell in love with your eyes the first day I saw you, your chocolate brown eyes filled with curiosity and sleep. I know I may seem like a chicken for writing this in your yearbook and not actually telling you, but it's the best I could do. If you don't return the feelings, that's okay. I needed to get it off my chest anyways.

See you next time, xoxo David.

Lui quickly pulled out his phone and pulled up his conversation between him and the Irishman he loves.

I love you and your eyes. Miss you already, xoxo.

For the rest of the day, the crew could never find out why David had gone missing and why Lui wouldn't stop smiling.

Margaret Keane- Big Eyes
"The eyes are like a window to the soul."

I have finals next week so this will be the last chapter before that, so I hope I don't disappoint you all. Also, I'm pretty damn happy that I finally got an actually decent story uploaded. I'll get to the cyber and assassin's prompt soon, I just felt an urge to write this so this happened. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot, don't forget to leave suggestions, and I'll see you in the next story.

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