Beach Day ~PolyBBS~

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Second attempt at writing writing a poly story, hope ye enjoy.

Third Person POV

It was a normal day at the beach. At least it was before a group of eleven people came and started yelling nonsense. Now, this group wasn't normal, for they were one hectic relationship. The three youngest had floaties wrapped around their waists, one a teddy bear, one a monkey, and one with the pattern of the British flag. The rest of their lovers set up the umbrellas, towels, and chairs for later. Evan, Luke, Brian, David, and Tyler sat on the chairs and towels sipping drinks while watching Jon, Lui, and Craig splash each other like the 5 year olds they were. Brock, Marcel, and Arlan were having a three way sand-castle building contest nearby. The sun shone high and bright, a light breeze bringing down the temperature to a very comfortable degree. Brian, being the pale ass he is, made sure to put sunscreen on before throwing on a pair of sunglasses and dozing off. Evan and Tyler started to take pictures and doodle on the pictures to post on social media later. David and Luke were in their own world, day dreaming with each other about the upcoming soon-to-be-released game, (enter game title cuz I can't choose).

Over with the three building sand castles, Brock was silently concentrating while Arlan was writing 'cockatoos' over and over in the sand, leaving Marcel to rage multiple times due to certain parts collapsing. Jon, Lui, and Craig were playing multiple games, currently having a competition to see who can hold their breath the longest. Lui came up first, breathing heavily and raking his fingers through his hair. Craig came up next with a slightly flushed face and made eye contact with Lui. Jon was last, but he didn't know that the two boys next to him had came up, so he kept himself underwater until his vision started to get hazy and fill with black dots. His mind started to malfunction from the lack of oxygen, but he had enough common sense that made him stand up. Craig and Lui were in the middle of a bet, trying to figure out how much longer he could last, when they were interrupted by a large splash and heavy breathing soon after. When Jon finally regained his breath, Craig and Lui gave him a small round of applause before checking to see if he was okay.

The rest of the day flew by, the group had dug a hold to make a fire pit and were currently enjoying their meal as they chat amongst themselves. Tyler, Brian, and Arlan were drawing in the air with sparklers while Brock took photos for his scrapbook. Jon, Brock, and Luke sat in the cars and on the towels, star gazing and pointing out the constellations to each other, while Luke, Evan and Marcel set up the firework launchers in the back. Lui sat next to the fire, staring intently at the flames in deep thought. When Luke, Evan, and Marcel finished setting up the fireworks, Evan gave Brian the ok sign and gathered up all of his boyfriends. Everyone sat next to each other, some sat on laps, others just wrapped an arm around and leaned their head on another. When everyone was in place, Evan struck a match, lit the fuse, and scrambled to his spot on the end.

The first bloom of color hit the sky, followed by many more. Brock took more photos of him and the others, the fireworks up about, and the final picture was of everyone close together, the colors dancing across the sky making the boys become a silhouette. They couldn't be any happier.

Short lil story but I thought it was kinda cute. Like I said, hope ye enjoy, and I'll see you in the next story.

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