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A/N: Hey! So, this chapter took longer than expected because it got LONG. I just kept writing and adding and writing more... It was intense. And then, in my final edit, I couldn't find a good spot to split it. Oh well, you just get an extra lengthy update! Anyways, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! 

Our steps fell into unison as we walked down the busy New York sidewalk. The noon sun shone brightly down on us and reflected off the buildings' windows. My eyes automatically squinted as a light beam hit them.

I heard a chuckle beside me. Looking up, but only being turned off by the high sun, my eyes started to water. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"You," he laughed again.

"Gee, thanks..."

He looked down at me then, and I was suddenly very aware of our height difference. "It's not a bad thing," he clarified. "You're just cute."

"Whatever," I laughed in reply.

"Seriously," he smiled. "The last time I saw you, a year ago, may I add, it was dark outside and the bright shining sun today illuminates you in all you cuteness."

He turned a corner and I followed his step. "Clearly the sun is distorting your eyes then," I laughed and started the search for my sunglasses in my endless pit of a purse.

"Not in the slightest," he laughed. "What are you looking for?"

"My sunglasses. Here," I passed the book he'd signed back to him, "hold this for a second."

He took it and stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to allow me to continue my search. I seemed to find everything but the thing that I was actually looking for: chapstick, make-up, headphones. You name it, I probably had it somewhere in there. When I finally pulled the aviator type glasses from the bottom of my purse, I felt an elbow in my back and was all of a sudden being flung forward. I heard my glasses clack against the concrete and then a 'umph' from Castle as I crashed into him.

He held me close as I regained my balance. Everything from that night came rushing back to me. The feel of his hands on my back. His warm breath on my skin. The electricity in my hand against his chest. Everything was still, and when I looked up, I didn't stay long. In his face, I could see that he felt it too, and it was just too much. I stepped away almost as quickly as I got there in search for my glasses. Again.

He found them this time and passed them and the book back to me without a word. I think we both realized that it was easiest to just ignore whatever the hell had just happened. "Where are we going?" I asked, breaking the silence as we continued our walk.

Just like that, we were back to normal. He smiled again, "You'll see."

I followed again as he stepped into line at a street vendor. The smell of those New York hot dogs, a food I hadn't eaten since I was a child, made my stomach grumble. I was hoping that the man next to me didn't notice, but when I heard the laugh forming in his throat, my cover was blown. "You hungry?"

I shrugged, "I guess so."

I gave Castle my order and he handed the old man working the station a crisp ten dollar bill. I knew it was obvious how hungry I was when he handed me my food. Just the look of it was making my mouth water. I felt his hand wrap around my wrist and move it away as I went to take that first amazing bite. "What was that for?" I asked.

"Not yet! You have to wait," he started walking again.

He had gained a lot of distance, forcing me to quicken my pace just to fall in line with him again. "Why?!"

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