cr to yotube (top15s)
im checking the website by myself .
15 . Opentopia .
well . web ni , creppy (for me lah) . srsly . web ni pasang webcam , kat mana mana . secara free ! so , orang ramai boleh lah tengok secara free . kira macam stalker ah . dia da buat list negara . saya dah check , alhamdulillah , malaysia takde .
14 . the unknown subreddit
idk tho . i cant find the website .
13 .
you just need to wait lol .
and akan ada lagu yang pelik . yeay pelik . also someone said "welcome to . anything is possible in . you can do anything in . the only limit is you ." lol idk lah . banyak lagi benda dia kata .
12. staggering beauty
wow . "A website to remember."
okay so , website ni , ada sekor ulat (ulat ke ? idk) yang akan menari ikut engko nye cursor .
kalau kau gerak laju laju ... lagu yang srs kuat gile and gambar terang kan muncul di belakang ulat tu . rip earphone and headphone user .
11 . suicide guides and proana sites
tak jumpa doh site ni .
10 . survive the outbreak
oh , an online game with violent and mature content (not byuntae)
well . actually , not an online game . just , kau tengok video tu , and kau ade buat pilihan sikit .
and , itu je lah yang dapat saya explore . kalau ada masa , saya explore lagi 5 eh ?
HorrorJangan pernah cakap "Aku tak percaya benda ghaib." Sebab , 'benda' tu mungkin ada kat sebelah kau . #9 in HORROR - 6.4.2018