Raf X Reader (TFP)

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(You're 13 in this)

F/n= Friend's Name
R/g/n= Random Guy Name
F/b/f= Favorite Breakfast Food 

Regular P.O.V (Friday, After School)

It was a typically normal day at the Autobot base, all the bots doing their own thing while the humans played a bit of video games. Arcee was talking to Bulkhead, while Optimus was talking to Ratchet as he worked on some tools Bulkhead had broke earlier. Miko was currently beating your brother at a video game, which you weren't surprised by as Miko loved playing video games. Your brother was finally aloud to let you introduce yourself to the bots a few days ago, as you had saw him and Arcee in the garage talking. You weren't upset at all that he was keeping something from you, as you had your secrets no one knew as well, but Jack had also wanted you to meet another friend of his, who was human. You were in grade 9, but you were supposed to be in grade 8. However, the school let a few selected kids to do a gifted testing, and you happened to be one of the select few. You had amazing skills when it came to technology and animal biology.

Your P.O.V

I watched as Miko beat Jack at another round of racing. "You guys have been at this for an hour now, and Jack still can't beat you." I giggled. Miko laughed along with me while Jack smiled and rolled his eyes. "Yea, yea whatever." He brushed it off. "So when am I going to meet the other friend of yours? I haven't seen any other humans around." Jack looked over at you and nodded his head. "He should be here in a few minutes, Bumblebee went to pick him up." He replied, setting up another game for him and Miko to play. "I still can't believe your little sister is smarter than you, Jack." Miko teased, poking his side. "Me too. I mean, I know she had good grades and all, but not at a high school level!" You smiled. " What can I say? I'm just talented." You jokingly bragged, striking a funny pose, making Jack and Miko laugh in the process.

Not long after,  Bumblebee had drove into the base, honking excitedly. "Looks like Raf is here." Jack stated, looking over the bars of the human area. "Than what are we waiting for?! Let's go introduce him to Y/n!" Miko shouted excitedly.

All three of you ran down the stairs of the Human loft, you basically being dragged by Miko. Bumblebee's door opened and a kid about your age, maybe a year younger, walked out. He had red glasses and brown hair and carried a school bag with him. "Thanks Bee." He smiled, as said bot transformed and beeped in response. "Hey Raf! How was school?" Miko asked excitedly, smiling like a maniac. "Hey Miko, Jack. School was okay, I guess." You stayed quiet, not wanting to interrupt their conversation. "Who's this with you?" Raf questioned, looking over to you. "This is Y/n! She's Jack's younger sister, but is still smarter than him!" She replied, pushing you in front of her. "H-Hey." You waved awkwardly, not really knowing how to react. "Hello. It's nice to meet you, I'm Raf." He held out his hand for you to shake. You smiled and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Y/n." Raf smiled back at you. "Awe! You two are so cute together!" Miko shouted, making Jack smile at her energy. "Miko, please cut that out." You gave out a short laugh. "So, Y/n, when did you meet the bots?" He motioned over to the large giants behind him. "A few days ago, I caught Jack talking to Arcee in the garage." You smirked. "Little lovebirds they are." You snickered, looking at the frown on your brother's face. "Like I said, We're not dating!" "You wish though!" You shot back, laughing. Arcee was chuckling along with you, not really minding the joke. "So, what school do you attend? Miko said that you were smarter than Jack." You smiled. "I go to Memorial High School, Along with Jacky here. I'm supposed to be in Grade 8, but I was a gifted student so now I take high school classes." Raf smiled in awe. "Really? I go there too! I was able to skip grade eight, and attend high school for robotics." You nodded, very impressed. "That's pretty cool, how come we've never seen each other?" You asked. Raf thought for a moment. "I actually don't know, but I guess it's good we met now." He smiled. You sent back a smile and nodded in agreement. 

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