Soundwave X Curious! Reader

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(I changed the request a bit since I feel like Decepticons would be a little more hostile and careless to humans, so I hope that's okay.)

Regular. P.O.V

       Soundwave thought you were very peculiar to your species. When Megatron had first claimed you for ransom, all you did was wander around the Nemesis, and ask every single Cybertronian you saw a handful of questions. You also seemed to develop a bad habit of exploring the ship without anyone to guard you, meaning you've had more than a few close calls with meeting an unholy fate.
         Megatron noticed how you would wander, and decided to put Soundwave in charge of you, though you thought he was boring. How would you learn anything if all he is, is silent? You had managed to slip away a few minutes ago, Soundwave getting busy with talking to Megatron about something-or-other. You were on your way to see Knockout, who had become accustomed to your daily visits to the medbay. He also didn't seem to mind answering any questions you had, as long as it didn't relate to any sensitive information.
          However, due to your small size, and the lack of care from the cons, they didn't care if they crushed you, so you had to always be alert. One con who seemed to have it out for you was Starscream. He hated humans with a burning passion, and would blatantly ignore your shouts of 'be careful!' And would just keep walking, narrowingly missing you.
           This seemed to be the case now, but just as you opened your mouth to call out for him to watch out, when a thing tendril wrapped around you and lifted you into the air, and safely onto your guardian's shoulder. "Watch-Out," He stated, using clips of others to communicate. "Thanks, Soundwave!" you smiled, before glaring over to Starscream, who had stopped to look at the two of you. "I suggest you watch your fleshy, Soundwave," he snarled. You narrowed your eyes at the feminine seeker. "Well, at least I don't look like a slut," You jabbed, pointing a finger at him.
         The seeker looked like he was about to retaliate before Megatron was heard across the commlink. "Starscream. Head to the flight deck with an aerial patrol unit. Do not keep me waiting." Said seeker merely 'Tched' and shoved passed Soundwave. "He always seems to have a dick up his ass," you commented, crossing your arms. Soundwave had then taken you back to the main control room, where you watched him type in Cybertronian for the rest of the day.

         Ever since then, whenever Starscream found you wandering the Nemesis alone, he'd deliberately tried to step on you, so you made sure to always keep an eye out for him. Today, however, as your curious nature got the better of you, you roamed around different parts of the ship where you haven't been before, like the Energon storage, where the vechicons hang out, (You met a sweet one named St3v3), and to areas where they planned out digging excavations for the Energon. Megatron, of course, had made to keep other sensitive stuff heavily guarded, like the weaponry or other secret-stuff like that. You didn't mind, you just liked to explore the new environment.

         You were, headed to see Soundwave again, having filled your need of curiosity for the day when you encountered Starscream again. Instead of insulting him, you decided to shy away to the corner of the wall, however, he mirrored your movements, and started coming dangerously close to you, making you anxious. "Hey man! I'm walking!" "And soon you won't be," he growled, and just as he went to step on you, a quick snake like tendril wrapped around you again, and quickly brought you away from the grey seeker, and closer to the dark shoulder plates os Soundwave, who stood tall next to The Decepticon Leader.
            "Starscream," the words sounded almost venomous, and it snapped the Seeker into attention. "Y-Yes, Lord Megatron?" His raspy voice asked, making you cringe. "What were you doing to the fleshy?" "N-Nothing, Lord Megatron." Said 'Con raised a brow. "Oh? Because the surveillance tapes show otherwise." The Leader stepped forward, and Starscream almost visibly shrunk. "This is our only bargaining piece for the Autobots, do not, disobey me again." He eagerly nodded, and practically ran off, while Megatron turned around and sent a glance towards Soundwave. "And you, fleshy. Don't go around the ship unless you are accompanied by Soundwave or Knockout. We don't have time to go out and get another fleshy if somethings happens." You nodded your head, "Yes, sir." As the fearless leader walked away, you turned your attention to Soundwave. "Starscream is a huge glitch," You muttered, rolling your eyes. "Affirmative," Soundwave responded, making you laugh.

         Some days have passed and per Megatron's orders, you were always accompanied by Soundwave or Knockout, though usually you were seen with the silent observer. You enjoyed spending time with him, and since you've been reading so much Cybertronian, you've managed to learn bits and pieces of the ancient code. You'd always be shy to admit, that you've grown rather...fond, of the Decepticon. You always seemed to notice the small things he did, the barely noticeable reactions he'd have, it became easier to tell how he was feeling, too. Of course, there was always the question if he liked you back. Did Cybertronians even date? And how would dating a giant Cybertronian work? Did he like humans? Naturally, not to your surprise, curiosity took hold into your mind, those questions constantly ringing in your ear.
          You looked over to the large bot who was typing away, seemingly unaware of his surroundings. You weren't aware fo the words that left your mouth. "Soundwave?" You said out loud, catching said bot's attention. He didn't say anything, as usual, but he looked over to you. "Yes?' You took a deep breath, "I like you. As in, dating-courting, as your kind may know it as." The once confident demeanour that once radiated off of you seemed to simmer in the silence. "I just wanted to tell you, before I left or if something happens, I don't even know how dating a Cybertronian would work, let alone you dating a human," you began to ramble, but you caught yourself.
         Still not receiving a response, you looked up at him and saw that he has a smiley face on his visor, something you've never seen him do before. "The feeling is, reciprocated," his monotone voice echoed, making you smile. "Really? You mean it?" He nodded. "Wicked! Does...Does this mean we're, you know, together?" You fumbled a little bit but your nervousness completely evaporated at the nod he once again gave you.
         It had been a few hours and currently, you were resting on his shoulder plates, peacefully napping. The observer just kept typing away, occasionally stopping when he felt you stir in your sleep. When you said you liked him..He was very happy. A warm emotion had flooded through his systems, and he was always curious about human nature, so now that you two were together perhaps he could get more research done. He felt you stir again, causing him to pull away from the keyboard once again, he used one of his tendrils to give you a poke to see if you were waking up, and when he didn't feel or hear you moving anymore, he dove back into his work, his mood much lighter and happier than before.

Gahhhh I am so sorry for this *v* It's not my best, and honestly it's very short. I don't think I've ever written for Soundwave before? So this was a first for me, and I'm super sorry if I botched your request. I do hope you enjoyed it, though, and that it wasn't too unbearable lmao. Expect another update in two weeks' time! ~WolfWriter

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