My Plans for 2020

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        2019 Has been a wild ride for me. I fell in love, fell out of love, I learned to better myself to become a better person, I lived away from home and experienced the world on my own. I set my plans for college and what I want to be, what I want to accomplish. 2019 was a year of great wonder and experiences, I came out as gay at the start of the year, and learned first hand that there will be people who are against that. I've helped out more in my community and overcame my anxiety on countless occasions and became a more confident person.
As you all know, I don't update. But recently, after experiencing a really tough break-up, I've wanted to get back into it. I've wanted to dive back and create worlds and characters and build storylines and get lost in my work like I used to. I was re-reading my old work, and I've really missed writing stories for you all to enjoy. I'll be updating my old work with new chapters, and I'm super excited to get started. The updates won't come all at once of course, but I'm going to force myself to get a set schedule on when I can work on writing so it doesn't interfere with my other responsibilities.

I really hope 2019 was a great year for you as it was for me, and I hope what is held in 2020 is even greater. Thank you for your time. ~WolfWriter

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