Not Sherlock Holmes

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Veronica's POV

"You better be ready, or else I'm leaving without you!" I call impatiently from the bottom of the stairs.

I thought girls were the ones who took so long getting ready.

"Has it occurred to you, Nica, that I might not actually want to go on this trip?" an irritated male voice drifts back down the stairs, and I chuckle. Of course he wants to come.

"Just because you don't like British television doesn't mean you won't like it in the good old UK," I tease, and I can hear faint grumblings. "Seriously, though, my parents are about to drive away. You are not ruining this trip for me." Some more muttering, some scuffling.

"Fine... I'm coming." I see Ian, and I grin.

He's typically a pretty attractive guy, with black, medium-length hair and emerald green eyes and the build of an athlete; but today, he's purposefully dressing like a slob to get under my skin. He's wearing sweats, an old band t-shirt, and everything he will need for the weekend is stuffed into his ratty school backpack.

"Excellent, let's go." I don't comment on the state of his clothes because I know how much he wants me to give a snarky remark. More than likely, he's got a comeback, already on the tip of his tongue.

I drag him to the car, and he reluctantly slides into the back seat.

"I really don't know why you're so grumpy. A free trip to Europe is nothing to turn your nose up at." I cross my arms over my chest, trying to look angry. Ian rolls his eyes.

"Yes, well, I'd much rather be at home, playing video games or sleeping." He grins at me. I punch him.

"Oh yeah? Well, I know the real reason you're coming." I smirk. An expression I can't quite read flashes across his face.

"Huh?" He fidgets a bit.

"Definitely. You know that Sherlock is my favorite show of all time, and you know that it would make my life if you came. So you're trying to get in good with your best friend." I wink. "Oh, and the food will be good, too." He takes a moment before he smiles.

"Ahh, yes," he teases. "You have uncovered my true motivation."

I submitted a video I made with Ian for a contest last fall, and I was the grand prize winner, the grand prize being a trip to the set of Sherlock and a day to hang out with the cast and crew.

All of my expenses were covered, and I was even allowed to take a friend. I obviously chose my best friend, Ian, even though he has no love for British entertainment.

I don't care if he's crabby, though. No one can rain on my parade today.

I'm going to see Sherlock Holmes.

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