Chapter Three

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Benedict's POV

"Well what do you know? Our guests are here." Martin looks completely put out, and I have to suppress my laughter.

"Remember: smiles and hugs!" His scowl deepens.

"Hugs," he shudders. "Can I have a sick day, please?"

"No," I hear from behind me, and I turn to see Steven Moffat himself. Martin's face reddens.

"This is completely unnecessary..." he starts, but Steven holds up a hand to stop him.

"Look, if you just do this for me, I will buy you dinner for a week. Just please... Stop complaining." Martin looks taken aback.

"Dinner for a week? Sir, you must be desperate. What's the problem?" My eyebrows are raised, as well.

"Yes, do tell." I pause. "I am getting in on this dinner deal, as well, no?" Moffat ignores me, turning to Martin.

"This wasn't my idea. I'm sorry that this is so inconvenient for you, but the publicity committee has, indeed, deemed this necessary. So," and he glances at me as he says: "Smiles and hugs."

He turns to leave just as a young man and woman walk in. I only assume these are the fans, although they are younger than I thought.

Martin must be feeling very pleased now.

Moffat turns back to us and puts both index fingers to his cheeks, encouraging Martin to smile.

I look and see that he has plastered on the fakest smile I've ever seen.

"You're an actor, for goodness sake, you can do better than that," I mutter, and he hits me.

"Hello!" Martin greets the young people. "Er, welcome to 221B Baker Street!"

The girl, who has brown curly hair and a cute, freckled face, is looking around, bewilderment etched upon her face. The boy, however, is looking around, but I can't read his expression. Amused? Impressed?

"Hi," the young lady waves shyly, and the boy nods his head in greeting.

"Ahh, Americans!" I say, surprised. "Wasn't expecting that." The girl blushes.

"Yes, you have quite a fan base where I'm from." She smiles. It's the type of smile where you can't help but smile back.

"I was aware of that, actually," Martin pipes in, and I roll my eyes. The girl only raises her eyebrows.

"Well obviously, since you're the brains of this operation."

I think I'm going to like her. Martin looks momentarily flustered, unsure of how to respond.

"What are your names?" I continue.

"I'm Veronica, and this is my friend, Ian," she says as she gestures to her male friend. "Are you going to be doing any shooting? Will we be able to watch?"

"Will you be feeding us?" The young man asks, and I smile.

Martin gives me a knowing look, as if to say, "See? Here come the non-stop questions."

"Yes, you'll be able to watch a little bit, and then you can join us for our lunch break." Veronica gives a small squeal, but then looks embarrassed. Her face flushes. I pretend not to notice.

"Oh, look at that, we're being called. Well, we will talk to you in a few hours!" Martin says hurriedly, then grabs me and pulls me away.

When we are far enough from our two guests, Martin laughs.

"What did I tell you? This is going to be completely ridiculous. And they're Americans at that. You'll agree with me by the end of this visit; you'll see what nuisances fans can be."

I can't say that I agree with him right now, though.

Steven returns.

"That wasn't so bad, was it Martin?" he asks, but Martin responds with an unamused laugh.

"Right. Yes. It wasn't so bad. So what? We have the rest of the day." I shake my head.

"I found them to be quite charming," I say, and Moffat looks at me, surprised.

"Did you, now?" He looks over at the two of them sitting in the corner of the room, and his eyebrows raise. "My, she's quite pretty. Is that her boyfriend?" Martin shakes his head.

"She introduced him as her friend." I laugh.

"That means nothing. Look at the two of them. It's obvious that the boy as feelings for her." Now we're all looking at Veronica and Ian. Ian is patting Veronica on the arm, and she looks completely distressed.

"First of all, what's wrong with her? Second, how could you possibly know that?" Steven turns back to me.

"I imagine she's embarrassed by the squeal she let out when we told her what we would be doing this morning." Moffat inclines his head in understanding. "And trust me, you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to see that he cares for her. Have you never been in love?" Moffat scowls.

"Obviously. Now shut up. Let's get back to work."

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