Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Second First Date

*3rd Person POV*

"I still need to take you on a second first date," Sam says after they shoot the last scene.

"Second first?" Brianna asks confused.

"Well the picnic in the bedroom was nice and all.." He trails off. "I wanna do Something different."

"Okay," Brianna says and smiles. They are going on another date.


"How many?" The man at the front asked.

"Two for Catching Fire, please," Sam says and hands him the money.

"Catching Fire?! I could kiss you!!" Brianna exclaims. That's (obviously) her favorite movie.

"Is that an offer?" Sam said, looking down at her smirking.

Brianna looks up at Sam.

"Maybe." She said and winked.

Sam chuckled and walked over to where you get the popcorn and stuff.

"One large popcorn and whatever the sugercube wants" Sam said and turned to Brianna. She raised an eyebrow and told him what she wants.

Sam gives the money, and takes the soda and popcorn, while Brianna takes the tickets and her snacks.

"You didn't need to pay-"

"I wanted to" Sam interrupted.

"Well I'm not arguing" she said and took a piece of popcorn. Sam chuckled. Brianna handed the one guy their tickets and they walked towards the first theater place.

"So we are going to a movie....with you in it?" Brianna asked smirking a little.

"Hey! You can't blame my awesome acting skills. This movie is the bomb, especially since I'm in it." Sam said, shoving her shoulder a little. They walk into the theater and the previews are playing.

"So cocky" Brianna said shoving his shoulder right back. They pick a seat towards the back, and they put their sodas in the cup holder.

They sit down and the movie starts. Brianna starts to eat her snacks, when she feels something on her shoulder. She looks over and Sam has his arm wrapped around her shoulder. So cliche.

"You're so cheesy, you know that?" Brianna said teasing. Sam shrugged.

"Yeah" he said then looked back at the movie.

"It's okay, I like cheesy" she said and smirked. Then she turned her attention back to the movie.

"Please Hammich, please help me get through this trip" Katniss aka Jennifer Lawerence says, tearing up. Brianna's eyes start to water.

"I remember Jen, we were good friends...pretty good looking too" Sam said. Okay, Brianna has to admit that she was jealous. But who wouldn't be?

"Someone once said Alex looked like Jennifer Lawrence. Does that mean you think Alex is good looking?" Brianna whispered back.


"Shut up I'm trying to watch" Brianna said, shoving popcorn into his mouth

Brianna and Sam continue to watch the movie. Occasionally, Sam would stare at her reaction or squeeze her shoulder.

Then it was the scene for the interviews. This part Brianna loved since it was when Finnick (or Sam) told the poem. She likes it even more now though.

"My have my heart.. for all eternity. And if-" Brianna knew these words by heart, so she mumbled them softly under her breath. Brianna than felt someone's hot breath against her cheek.

"If I die in that arena last thought would be of your lips..." Sam whispered in her ear. Brianna shivered at his voice.

Sam arm still rested softly on her shoulders, so Brianna slowly lied her head on his arm. He then pulled her closer and she snuggled into him (or at least the closest you can get to snuggling when you are in 2 seats).


"That date was fun" Brianna commented after the movie was over. She leans into Sam while his arm is wrapped around her waist.

"It was better since you were there," Sam whispered into her ear. Brianna blushed, while he pulls her closer to him.

"Cheeky" Brianna mumbles, which makes Sam smile, his two dimples appearing. Adorable.

Brianna reaches up and pokes his left dimple. then quickly pulls back her arm and blushes.

"It's alright, I like when you touch my dimples" he said smirking, making them even more visible. Brianna let's out a small laugh.

They walk back to Sam's car and he opens the door for her like the gentleman he is.

"Thanks" she said giving him a small smile. He nods and runs to his side.

"So, was that date better than the bedroom picnic?" He asks smirking. Brianna laughs.

"Yes, but only by a little bit. It almost wasn't better." She said kidding. Sam grins widely.

"Good" he says and starts the car. They then drive to her apartment in silence. When they get there, she opens the door and looks over at Sam.

"Thank you...for tonight"

"You too." Sam says simply.

"Well aren't you going to kiss me?" Brianna asks smirking. Sam pretends to think about it for a second. He then grabs her by the waist and leans towards her.

"Where have you been young lady!?" Alex says when she opens the door. Brianna and Sam jump apart.


"To your room this instant," Logan says from behind Alex.


"NO BUTS!" Alex interrupts. Brianna sighs looking at the ground. Then she walks through the door and into her room.

When she leaves Alex and Logan put their attention on Sam. They give him a blank stare.

"And you are?" Logan says raising an eyebrow.

"The guy she's dating, Logan," Sam says, looking annoyed yet amused.

"Well, shoo. It's past curfew and your parents are probably worried," Alex says shooing him with her hands. Sam frowns and walks away.

"You guys ruined my kiss!" He exclaimed walking away. "See you at rehearsal!"

Alex sighs.

"I think we handled that well."

"We are such good parents," Logan says chuckling.

"Parent fist bump?" Alex asks and Logan nods. Their fists collide and make weird hand motions when they separate.

"That was fun," Logan says. "We should do it again sometime."

"The parenting, or the board games?" Alex asks.

Logan shrugs. "Both."

Alex smiles and he waves.


He then leaves and Alex goes inside still smiling.

*Flashback to earlier*

"So what do you want to do?" Alex asks bored. Logan smirks.

"Make out-"

"How about a board game," Alex interrupts. Logan sighs and nods anyways.


Alex then gets monopoly from the closet, and they play that for a while. Logan still managed to squeeze in some perverted comment or something, but it was still a fun night.

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