Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Logan The Pervert and The Movie Premiere

We walked out of the bathroom hallway and back to the table. I really hope my hair isn't messed up...they would start suspecting stuff. Even though what they suspected was correct.

"What took you so long?" Brianna whispered. I hesitated before shrugging.

"Lady problems," I lied. She would never let this go if I told her what really happened.

I sit down in my seat next to Logan, and look at the menu again. When I looked at the table, a root beer is sitting in front of me.

"I ordered that for you while you were gone," Brianna explained and I thanked her.

"So, Brianna," Zayn says. "How are you?"

She looks shocked for a moment.

"Oh, um..I'm good," she says. I hold back a laugh at her awkwardness and she shoots me a glare.

Zayn nods,"good."

The waiter comes and takes our order. I look at the menu for what to eat when I feel something on my leg.

That bastard is rubbing my leg. At a fucking restaurant! How inappropriate can he be?

I slap his hand away when it's my turn to order. He puts it back on and slightly moves up. That asshole.

"I'll have, umm," I say looking down at the menu. His hand tingles my skin as it slowly moves up and I have to resist the urge to punch him.

I move his hand off my leg. "I'll have.." I start, but give up when his hand touches my leg again. "Just get me the same as Brianna," I give up. Logan then stops-which I'm grateful for- but I'm still mad that he tried to embarrass me in front of everyone.

"Stop it asshole," I harshly whisper to him and he just chuckles.=

"I feel like I've seen you before," Zayn say to Brianna. He doesn't remember?

"Yes, look familiar too," she says to him. I can't believe he doesn't remember her. She's the one he talked to for a whole week. In that whole week she grew to like him, a lot. He doesn't remember any of it though?

"Seriously," he says knitting his eyebrows in concentration. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Well, we're in a movie," Logan tells him. "Maybe you've seen the movie trailer or something."

"Yeah, maybe."

"You know what!" I say snapping my fingers, pretending I knew the right answer. "I think it was at one of your concerts." Brianna gives me a small smile as mouths 'thank you.'

"Yeah, I think it was that." Zayn says, smiling. It's silent for a while when Harry breaks the silence.

"So where are you guys from?"

"We are from Maryland," Brianna responds and I nod, confirming what she said. They all nod.

I didn't expect this to be so...awkward.

"So what movie are you in?" Louis asks.

"The New one called 'The Deathly Secret,'" I tell them and they nod.

"I think I've heard of it," Harry says. "The one about how the girls sister is murdered right?"

"Yup, that's the one," I confirm. Harry nods smiling so his dimples show.

"I'll make sure to watch it," he says.

Then the food came. And it looked absolutely delicious. I mean, I've been here plenty of times, but the food is still delicious.

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