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*Four Years Later*

Today is the day of Perrie Edwards and Zayn Malik's Wedding, and the good news is: Briannas crush is long gone. After a month of spending time with them, she found out her feelings for Zayn were just friendly.

Sam and Brianna remained good friends, and Alex and Niall are still 'BFF's.

Alex and Logan, they are the only couple who actually stayed together. They are actually engaged. Logan proposed last year, and they are to be married in 3 months.

"Alex!" Logan called from his room.

"Yes?" She called from the kitchen, holding a hand over her belly. She is also 8 months pregnant.

"Do you know where my tie is?" He asks. "The black one...not the Sam one."

For Logan's birthday last year, Alex decided to give him ties with faces on them; just like how she got boxers with faces. It's sort of a tradition now, especially since she got him a "I love Harry Styles" sweatshirt for this year.

"It should be in your drawer," she told him.

"It is not in my-" he pauses. "Never mind I found it!"

She rolls her eyes with a smile on her face. All of a sudden, she felt a pang in her stomach. She closes her eyes as she leans forward waiting for the pain to go away. This happens quite often, especially since she is due in a few weeks.

Logan walks out of the bedroom in his suit and tie.

"You look beautiful," he says to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She blushes, and gives him a small shove.

4 years later and he still doesn't fail to make her blush.

"C'mon, we have to go," she says, pulling his wrist. She grabs her wallet and walks out of the apartment. Yes, they share an apartment. She's also pregnant, did you really expect anything else?

She feels another pang, and stops walking. Logan looks at her with a concerned expression. He knows she's been having contractions.

"I'm fine," she tells him, "Really."

They get into the car and drive to the church where Zayn and Perrie are to be married. When they get out of the car, they see Brianna sitting by the entrance.

"Hey, B!"

Brianna looks up to see her best friend and boyfriend. She gives them a big smile and runs over to Alex.

"Hey A!" She exclaims. "Look how...big you've gotten!"

Alex rolls her eyes. "I'll take that as a compliment." She says and then flinches when she gets another contraction.

"Are you okay?" Brianna asks and Alex nods hesitantly.

"I'm fine," she says and winces. "Just a few contractions."

She nods and they all walk into the church. They take their seats, waiting for the wedding to begin. Alex is patting her leg with her hand, nervous that she may have a contraction during the wedding. Logan then places his hand on top of hers, comforting her.

"It's okay, baby," he assures her. She looks up at him, smiling. She then entwined their hands together.

"I love you," he whispers in her ear. Even if she's heard it before, she still gets butterflies whenever he says it.

"I love you too."


"I now pronounce you, husband and wife." He says. "You may now kiss the bride." Alex's eyes start to water as she sees two of her closest friends get married. She feels Logan come up to her ear, since his hot breath is making her shiver.

"Soon, you and I will be the ones up there," he tells her. She blushes as he kisses her on the cheek.


During the cutting of the cake, Alex gets yet another contraction.

"Do you want to sit down?" Logan asks her and Alex nods. He leads her over to the table.

"I'll go get some drinks," he whispers and she nods, smiling at him.

She gets another contraction not even 5 minutes later. They shouldn't be that close together.

"Here you go, Love," Logan says when he returns with the drinks. She thanks him, and takes a sip of the water.

Then, all of a sudden, she feels something wet drip down her leg.

"Umm...Logan?" She whispers to him. He looks at her raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, baby?"

"I-uh," she thinks of a way to explain this. "My water broke."

Then his smile turns to alert, and he tries to quickly think of something to do.

"Oh my God," he says starting to freak out. "Oh my God."

"Logan," she says. "Take me to the hospital."

He nods quickly and tries to get her up. Somehow he manages to get her out to the car. Alex then starts breathing heavily. She's giving birth soon.

"What's wrong?" Brianna asks when she sees Logan and Alex frantically trying to get to the car.

"Alex's water broke," he explains and Brianna nods her head.

"You want me to drive?" She asks and he gives her a small smile.


She nods and he throws her the keys.

"Don't damage her," Logan says sternly.

"The car or Alex," Brianna asks amused.


Once they start to drive off, Alex is still huffing and breathing deeply.

"I'm going to be a Dad," Logan whispers. Alex nods and Logan smiles at her.


At 7:24 P.M. on August 29th, Mackenzie Elizabeth Lerman was born.

"You did so well," Logan says to Alex. He is currently holding Mackenzie, tears welling up in his eyes.

"I'm a Dad, I'm actually a Dad," he says in shock. Alex looks up at him in admiration. His love for their baby girl is so beautiful.

Logan looks at down at Alex, and tears start to go down their cheeks.

"We are parents," Alex says, happily.

"We are parents," Logan repeats her. He leans forward and gives Mackenzie a kiss on the forehead. He then leans towards Alex and gives her a small peck on the lips.

"I love you," she whispers.

"I love you more."

{The End has come. In 3 Minutes we are going to be posting the prologue of our new story 'My Videos, Your Songs' so check it out pls? :) Thank you for reading! It means a lot!}

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