Chapter 19

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{This is a weird chapter. Don't say I didn't warn you}

Chapter 19: Swimming Accident

"They have to come back some time." I say, when Brianna and Sam run off.

"Want me to leave?" Logan asks getting up.

"No! I need someone to talk to" I say and he smiles.

"Only if you got some food."

"Of course, do I look like a stick?" I ask joking.

"You look fine," he says rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." I say as we walk into the kitchen.

I look up at the calendar by the fridge.

"LOGAN!" I exclaim, and he jumps in surprise.

"What?" He asks. I point at the calendar.

"Tomorrow is your birthday!" I say, just noticing. I can't believe I hadn't noticed sooner.

"Yep are you gonna celebrate it with me?" he asks joking.

"We could go to the park!" I say. I haven't been to the park in forever.

"Sure," he says, "it's weird I called a lot of family and friends and they said they were busy."

I frowned, pretending to be offended."So I'm a last option?"

"Yeah, sorry to let you down."

*3rd person POV*

Brianna and Sam start to run down the stairs.

Sam grabs Brianna's hand to make her faster. They run outside where's it starts to rain. And fast.

They finally stop running. They are laughing and soaked. Sam is still holding her hand, and he starts to intertwine their fingers.

"Lets go and dry off at my house," Sam says and Brianna nods.



When they get to Sam's house, Brianna remembers she doesn't have anything to wear.

"Um...Sam?" She asked awkwardly. He looks up at her.


"Do you have any clothes I could wear?" She asks and smiles sheepishly. He chuckles and nods.

"Here's some of my sweatpants," he says giving her a pair. "They might be a little big."

"Thanks," she says. Sam stays still for a while before He face palms.

"Right, you need to change," he says and blushes slightly. "I'll just...go."

He then hurries out of the room and Brianna giggles softly. She quickly gets changed and puts her hair up n the cliche messy bun.

When she is ready, she walks out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. She sees Sam sitting at the table on his phone. He has on plaid pajama pants and no shirt.

Damn, he's hot.

"You aren't so bad yourself," Sam says smirking.

"Shit, I said that out loud?" She groans putting her face into her hands. Sam laughs and grabs her arm. He pulls her into the family room.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Sam asks her, and she shrugs.

"Sure." she says. She then feels her phone buzz next to her.

"Be right back," she says and walks into the kitchen.

"What?" She asks when she answers the call.

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