chapter two

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I arrived in London the next day. Ed was scheduled to pick me up at the airport.

I saw his car roll into the boarding line in the early morning sun. The air was brisk and the clouds above gave it that perfectly December feel. I took in a deep breath of the city I have grown to love and then looked to my ride.

Ed opened the car door and came around to greet me. I gave him a warm embrace, very happy to finally get to see him again. He seated me in his car and we caught up on all the latest news. He told me about his current touring success while I listened and thought to myself how proud I was that he had made it so far.

"Also," he started, "I have been hearing from Harry how you two are hanging out again."

"Oh, yea.." I stated, trying to come off more matter-of-factly when in truth I really wanted to hear from Ed what Harry had been saying about the whole thing.

"He's been telling me..."

yes he was going to tell me.

"How it's been really nice to see you again."

I smiled.

"And... Just between you and me, I think he still may have some feelings for you really. I mean he's been gushing about the whole thing. Never really got over you the lad."

I could only smile. This was new information for sure but I always felt something was there between us. I mean I don't know. I guess it's still too early to suspect such things.

Once we arrived to his place I unloaded my stuff. He said he had planned for me to stay the night at his place and that he had a scheduled hotel for tomorrow. I agreed and was happy to be spending some time with him. He gushed as he hinted to a surprised planned for my birthday Sunday.

"Oh really?" I asked surprised.

"Yea. But first you and me are gonna hang out!" Ed shared.

I was excited because knowing Ed he would have something totally Taylor planned for me today. He was always so thoughtful like that.

Once I have unloaded my luggage and changed into something more suitable for a day out in the streets, I met Ed where he then took me out for lunch. The sun shone through the beautiful city of London. Ed had arranged for a private dine right outside the bustling city. We where seated by the window onlooking the passerbyer's who were either holding shopping bags or work apparel. I ordered myself a diet coke and allowed myself to unwind.

"Well this is a beautiful place." I pointed out. The walls were painted with a pale baby blue and were embroidered with sea green vines and flowers. The place looked as if it were painted from a classic movie in time. So delicate, so soigné.

"Yes I found this little place way back in the day. It's pretty nice yes."

We sat back and chatted until a waiter came to receive our orders. I myself got a small pasta dish seasoned with garlic salt and sprinkled with cheese. I noticed Ed also got something similar.

We talked about life and all it's things until of course Ed brought up Harry.

"So Taylor tell me, how's it been between you and Harry. He's talked to me briefly but I want to hear from you."

"Well I don't know, he took me out for coffee a few times and I guess we just started hanging out like friends again."

"Well that was vague." He said clearly dissatisfied with my report. But I refused to say anymore. Honestly there was not much to add to the subject anyways.

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