chapter eight

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We woke up a tangle of sheets and skin. I stared into Harrys green eyes still bright with enthusiasm. His smile was contagious. I was so lucky to love him.
All of our awkwardness had shaken off during the night and when we woke up in the morning, still naked and disheveled, it didn't feel as weird or uncomfortable as it had last night. Slowly I was falling back into the way we use to be. Harry was already I was still guarded I don't exactly know why but that's how it was.
Harry was the first to slip out of bed after giving me a good morning kiss, one which I gladly returned.
"I'm going to make breakfast?" He suggested more so than stated.
"That would be great" I smiled back.
Once he changed and left I got up and put back on some clothes. My chest and neck where covered in hickeys and I was still very tired given I didn't sleep much at all last night. But I stumbled into the bathroom and began straightening my tangled hair. I had forgotten to take off my makeup as well. I looked like a zombie and had to laugh at my reflection. But no matter how horrific I looked in the morning I had not regretted any of my actions last night and honestly I liked it. This is something I could never admit not even to myself but it was so good. And as I turned off the light and headed downstairs I secretly thought how happy I was to have three more nights with Harry all to myself.
I arrived downstairs to find Harry in the middle of creating a wonderful breakfast for two.
"Didn't know you could cook like this" I started coming up behind him kissing his cheek.
"Nothing short of the best for the best girl." He replied happily.
We took our plates to the couch where we ate and talked throughout the morning. Just us, no distractions, perfection.
"So what are you doing in LA?" I began.
"Promoting out new album which is set to come out next week. Then we're planning to tour."
A quick panic set in, "When are you touring?" I didn't want him to leave me not for any long period of time like touring.
"In three weeks actually. We have to set out fast in order to get every country but this will be a quick tour I promise."
Somehow he was able to read my expression.
"I know I don't want to leave either. That's why I pushed for this week. I had to spend time with you before everything got hectic again. But then after that I will have a break babe and then we can be together for as long as you want."
He attempted to reassure me. Then quickly changed the subject.
"So what are you working on? Going to release another album soon?"
"No. I've had no motivation honestly. I guess I should start working on something huh?"
He smiled back at me and then grabbed my hand.
"Hey it's only temporary our love is not. Soon we will have the rest of our lives to be together, for now you should work on your music and I'll do mine and after that we can celebrate okay?"
With that the conversation ended. I really didn't want Harry to leave me but of course our careers would not permit as usual.
The day progressed as a lazy one as we caught up with each other and just enjoyed each other's company. That night we slept together again. In the morning I went out to pick up breakfast and coffee. Unfortunately Harry could not join me because while there may be no paps there were still people who asked for pictures with me. But no matter I just brought everything home and we ate it together inside.
Later that day I took harry down to the private beach where there was no one in sight. We walked hand in hand along the beach as he told me stories of his work and I shared about my crazy friends. It was very hot outside that day to the Oceanside was bliss.
"Want to go in the water?" I asked enthusiastically although I felt he would say no.
"Alright" he said to my surprise.
So we made a little camp out with beach blankets and our stuff. Anticipating our beach adventure I had put on a swimsuit underneath my sundress and had advised harry to bring one too. I watched as Harry threw his shirt over his head revealing his abs and tattoos.
"You've been working out?" I teased. He gave one of those yeah-I-guess type of shrugs then helped me unzip my dress.
We eased into the salty water which was cool and refreshing in the summer air. I loved the beach.
"Don't you look beautiful." He commented clearly suggesting to my revealing bikini.
"Thanks for saying that." I replied trying not to blush. I grabbed for his hands as we faced each other waist length deep. With his hands in mine he quickly made a move on me, dunking me into the cold water. It was so cold underneath.
"Hey!" I replied to his unexpected move. And then splashed him myself starting a water fight. In that moment we acted like little five-year-olds who had to have the last splash. That was until I jumped into his strong arms which supported me with his hands on my ass. I looked down on his beautiful face then leaned down for a kiss. He happily joined in my now turning into make out. Still kissing me, he put me down so he could get in better. I held his face in my hands as his sat at my waist. Closing all space between us I pressed in deeper. My lips burned with the salt water but that didn't stop me. Harry was only getting more heated feeling my bare skin beneath his palms. His breathes became warm and I soon lost track of whose air I was breathing. I felt him grow hard below as his hands moved up to my chest. Sometimes he acted like a teenage boy who needed constant reminders to slow down, but I could not lie, the way he was obsessed with me made me feel so good. I was addicted to way he made me feel and didn't want this moment to stop but I had to stop it before it got out of hand. So I pulled away.
"Harry babe, maybe not here." I reminded him. His face grew red with embarrassment. I hugged him as if to say "it's okay I like it too."
Once we got home I showered off the salt and sand and prepared dinner while Harry showered. Two days had gone by so fast but I was planning on calling my assistant asking if I join Harry in going to LA for the few days he was there before he returned to the UK. The likelihood of him saying yes was not great but it was worth a shot.

That night Harry accompanied me in bed again but unlike last night things got heated fast. Our clothes were off much faster as we we're wasting no time anymore both knowing we wanted each other as badly as the other person. I began by giving him a blowjob- something that didn't happen often mind you. I loved being able to provide him with such intense satisfaction. After that we fucked. We were loud and held nothing back tonight. I claimed top as I moved up and down his length with ease both making us wet fast.
"Dammit babe, you're so good at sex." He moaned. I smiled. I was older hence I had more experience, but that was my only credit. However Harry was not bad himself. After he finished coming, I laid down on top of him as our breathing began to slow.
To my unexpected surprise, my phone began to ring on the bedside table. It was rather late so the call sparked my curiosity.
"Do you mind if I look at that?" I asked. Harry was beginning to get sleepy but he nodded his head so I leaned over to look. Uh oh it was management. I rudely decided to ignore it which I knew I'd pay for later but I didn't want to interrupt my moment. So I put it back down and returned to Harry.
"Who was that?" He asked in his raspy voice.
"Work but it's no worries I'll call back tomorrow." I quickly brushed it off.
"Taylor that's not good babe." Harry replied as he brushed my hair out of my face and behind my ear.
"You can't ignore your responsibilities I know what we doing right now is nice but they won't look at it like that and be mad you ignored them especially because they know you're with me." He stated as kindly as possible.
"I know I'll call tomorrow." I reassured him but more so myself. And then I quickly fell asleep on Harry exhausted from today's events.

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