My Runner pt 5

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Newt POV
I see Y/N making her way over here to start her day running. I hope she doesn't get hurt. Or killed. Right before she left I gave her a hug but luckily she hugged back and I didn't look like a fool.
"Ooh I saw that" Clint said making kissy faces.
"So what. It was just a normal hug that normal people do" I said blushing.
"Oh really. Then why are you redder than Fry's tomato soup" Clint said with a cheesy smirk. Sometimes he really can get on my bloody nerves. Wait. I REALLY DO LIKE Y/N. NOT JUST LIKE NO. LOVE. Which is crazy since I only knew her for two day

Sorry this was short. I will try to make the next one long. Also sorry it took forever to post. I hate school

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