1- Where's Mom?

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Typing away on the computer, I let out a hefty sigh in boredom. Though I had postponed it for months, today was finally the day I had to organize everything on my computer. All the photos, information, everything. Because I waited so long, I was two hours in and only half way done. I resisted every urge in my body to slam my head against the keyboard repeatedly.

The sound of frantic swimming was in the distance at first but rapidly became louder as whatever was doing it neared. "KRAKENKID!" I shot up at the all too familiar voice and whipped around just in time to see Ena rushing into my room.

Ena, unlike myself and most of the other Tide Changers, was human. She had short black hair and quite tan skin. Ena had bright green eyes and was quite muscular, though if you do a lot of fighting all the time, that was bound to happen. Today, she wore jeans with a brown belt as well as a simple gray T-shirt.

Also, unlike anyone else, Ena just happened to be my soulmate.

Her eyes were wide and she quickly steadied herself before locking eyes with me. Panic was easily visible, which only made me all the more scared. Ena was a tough one, so getting her like this was a challenge and could only be the works of something big. I gulped.


She hastily walked forward and put her hands on my shoulders, not breaking eye contact. "Kraken, I'm pregnant."

My body stiffened but I managed to croak out the words, "Please tell me this is another one of your pranks." Her head shook quickly, still maintaining eye contact. I took in a deep breath before letting out an ear piercing scream, Ena soon joined me.

After a minute, I stopped to actually think, my heart pounding out of my chest. "We're not ready for this! We'll be terrible parents!"

"I have never babysat in my life! How am I supposed to watch over a baby? WHAT ARE WE GOING TO CREATE? Our occupation is pretty much as dangerous as you can get and now we're having a CHILD?" Ena gripped the sides of her head, pulling a bit at her hair.

"You've seen the movies! When villains have kids, they always join the hero, betray and sometimes even kill their parents in the end! IS THIS OUR FATE? DEATH BY OFFSPRING?" I screeched back.

Finally, we reached the stage where both of us could only do one thing. We both took off at the same time and bolted down the stairs before making a sharp right turn. "DARREL!"

The blue bird simply sighed as we arrived at his desk, his feathers ruffling slightly. "Yes? What now?"

Ena beat me to it and slammed her hands on the desk. "I'M PREGNANT!"

"Congratulations to you both! You'll need me to plan some sort of baby shower I presume?" His eyebrows lifted but we both shook our heads.

"Darrel, I'm going to be a father! How do I do that?" I cried desperately.

Darrel huffed, got up from his chair and on the table, just so he could be at a better eye level with both of us. "Listen, I can give you tips but being a parent, but truthfully comes from the heart. You'll learn from experiences and mistakes and help your child grow, but also yourself. You'll change because of them. Both of you will. Just baby proof the place and you'll be fine."

"WHAT'S BABY PROOFING?" Both of us screamed in unison and Darrel face palmed.

"You two have both been on dangerous missions to raid Atlantis, but caring for a child shakes your confidence? What am I going to do with you two?"


I stared at the sleeping bundle, the tiny purple face poking out of it. They looked so... Peaceful. The child definitely had after my looks.

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