13- Stalling

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Third Person

CannibalCrab could barely speak.

He had been calling for what felt like hours, maybe days by how hoarse his voice had gotten, but now he just went silent. He needed help desperately, but the closer he got to civilization, the more he was hesitant. He considered going to the Conch Command for help, but then he'd have to explain to KrakenKid what happened.

What could he possibly say to him? That it was all his fault his son was now frozen, possibly dead? That he failed to protect him? That he was only able to save himself and nobody else?

CannibalCrab groaned and shook his head. If I can fix it before he finds out, then maybe I can get away with it! Maybe someone in Atlantis can help Blooper. "Hey! Somebody! I need help!"

"Hello? Who's out there?" Another voice cried out in response. Cannibal's heart quickened as he perked up.

"Yes! I need help! Please!" He yelled back. The voice sounded familiar but he couldn't place his finger on it.

A group of people came into view, and as Cannibal rushed towards them, he noticed most were wearing the armor of an Atlantean, but one stood out. The leader of them. As he got closer, he stopped suddenly when he figured out who it was. Purple. He stood out from purple. KrakenKid was with them.

KrakenKid perked up when he saw him and rushed forward, but the crab was frozen in horror. "Cannibal! Finally, we found you!" KrakenKid said as he stopped in front of him, then looked around. "You wouldn't happen to know where Blooper is, would you?"

CannibalCrab's breath caught in his throat. No... No, this can't be possible... Out of everyone... "KrakenKid? Wha-" He glanced at the Atlanteans following him. "What is this? What are you doing with Atlanteans?"

KrakenKid glanced back. "Oh, uh... Long story. Remember the chicken, Joe?"

The general made a face. "The smelly chicken? Ugh, what about him?"

KrakenKid shook his head quickly. "Actually, he's a lot better than his brother, not too bad of a guy either. Anyways, he's not dead and he's on our side. The Conch Command is overrun with whatever forces Cody has left, and we're in charge of Atlantis. Darrel and the others are all captured, but I got word that you and Blooper were taken by Pikalus. Is it true?"

CannibalCrab held his breath, but nodded slightly. "That's... True, we were."

The kraken's face instantly brightened. "Then you know where he is! Take me to him, I've been dying to see both of you since I left for my journey!"

CannibalCrab looked back at the Atlanteans, and then to KrakenKid, his heart beating out of control. "What? Not comfortable with them? I can make them go away if you want." He turned back to the guards and gestured for them to leave, pointing to the palace. They nodded and left without another word. "See? Easy. Now, where's Blooper?"

Eyes darting around, the general looked for anything to distract them. "Are you sure you don't want to talk more about your journey first?"

The kraken stopped, then his eyes narrowed on him. Taking a step forward, he now was a lot more suspicious. "No, I don't. What are you hiding, Cannibal? Where's Blooper?"

CannibalCrab gulped, but knew he couldn't hide any longer. "Follow me." He told him before going back to where he came from.

CannibalCrab walked slowly, dreading telling him what happened but knew it would have to happen eventually. KrakenKid was impatient and as soon as he saw the structure Pikalus created, he surged forward to get in. CannibalCrab sighed and followed after him, unsure of what to say.

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