Sabezra 1: Forbidden Love

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"A Jedi should not know anger, nor hatred, nor LOVE."

Padmé: "Are you allowed to love? I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi?"

Anakin: "Attachment is forbidden. Passion is forbidden. Compassion, which some would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life, so you might say we're encouraged to love."



"Credit for your thoughts?" I say to Ezra as he looks deep in thought.

"Oh, sorry I was just thinking about us. I'm not sure what I want right now. On one hand I'm forbidden to act on my feelings for you, but on the other that oath was under the order. Which no longer exists, so what does that mean?" He says.

"To me it means you're free to do as you please. That it's completely up to you. If I were you I'd go for it. That was the old rules. But that's just my opinion. Personally I think you and Kanan are both just letting them get in your way of happiness."

"Sabine, I love you. I can't deny it anymore but what if we do act on it?"

"Ezra, we'll never know unless we do." I say pulling him into my cabin.

"Sabine what are you doing?" He ask.

"Just kiss me." I say kissing his cheek.

He grabs my face and pulls my lips to his. He presses his lips hard into mine. Then he opens his mouth just enough for his tongue to come out. He pushes open my mouth with it and sticks it in mine. I return the gesture. We had become more than friends over the past year. Somehow we had gone from friends to being like siblings or best friends to dating. This wasn't the first time we kissed but it was never like this before. This had a lot of passion behind it. Slowly he pulled away.

I had already taken off my armor but was still wearing my black jumpsuit. He had taken off his com and shinguard as well. The two of us sitting on my bed. He had his arm behind my neck massaging my shoulder. I leaned over and kissed him again and reached up grabbing his hand and pulling it down to where I wanted it more in the process. Then I gently rested my head on his shoulders as he continues massaging me. He kisses my forehead. I reach up and pull his hand down between my breast and lean in closer to him. He picks up on where I placed his hand and pulls me closer and starts to massage my breast. I pull in more until our lips meet and wrap my arms around his neck. We kiss passionately our tongues inside the others mouth as he squeezes my both my breast with both hands. I wrap my legs around his waist to get even closer. This was the farthest ether of us had ever been.

He pulls away and looks me in the eyes. His deep blue sapphire eyes staring at me in the way I have never seen him look before. I see my own eyes reflecting the same look back at him.

"Should we?" He ask.

"Why not?" I respond reaching for the bottom of his shirt. I start to pull it up but he swings my legs over the edge of the bed and gets down on his knees. He grabs the top of my pants and pulls them down to the ground. My underwear along with them.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He ask.

"Honestly I don't care anymore." I say giving him complete control over what we do next.

"Ok, if you're sure." He says then starts to touch me between my bare legs. He feels around until he finds my opening then fingers me repeatedly. Next he places his mouth there and starts sucking. I feel his tongue enter me and go around my pussy. I let out a soft moan of pleasure. He pulls out and starts fingering me again. "Enjoying this." He notes.

"I've never done anything like this before." I say nodding yes.

"I would hope not. I haven't ether." He says. He places his mouth back between my legs keeping his finger inside me. He licks around everywhere before his tongue finds the opening again. It enters me again and he pulls his finger out and places his hand on my leg. Then he reaches up with the other hand and grabs my left breast under my shirt and bra. He squeezes it tightly. His other hand soon follows. I pull my shirt and bra up to my neck to give him better access.

More soft moans escape my mouth. "Keep going!" I say. He does. He pulls off my breast and goes back to fingering me. This time he uses both hands.

"Sorry my jaw needs a break." He says. It isn't log before his mouth return to its spot. I grab the sheets with both hands and pull them up. He then reaches up again but this time not for my breast. I grab his hand and squeeze it tight. He does the same as his sucking quickens. He lets go and starts finger me again with his tongue still in me. I feel a slight pain and let out a small cry. He hears it and looks up.

"Did I hurt you?"

"A little but it felt good. Don't stop." I say. He looks back at me slightly confused, but goes back to what he was doing. I keep wishing to pull him up to kiss me and undress him for more. I so badly want more. His hands go up to my breast one more time.

"You can stop anytime if you feel like it." I say. Even though I want more still I thought. I could tell he was starting to get tired. He was squeezing my breast a little softer now and he was slowing down a lot. He pulled away from me bring his hands to my hips. He kissed above and below my pussy. Then he kissed both the inside of my legs for right to left. He then continue to kiss my stomach working his way back up to my lips. He pulled me up to my feet and help me pull back down my shirt. He kissed my neck then and help me pull up my pants. Now both standing he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my lips with such passion the force of it almost knocks me backwards again. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling myself closer to him and positioning my feet in a way that will prevent myself from falling. Not that I don't trust him to catch me but if I fall he's going down with me & I don't know if I can stop myself from going any further if we do fall. The kiss goes on forever it seems like. When we both finally pull away he looks at me with those sapphire eyes and I know he loves me. He knows I feel the same way. Nether one of us has to say it. He can almost read my mind right now. He smiles at me.

"I almost want to go farther." I say knowing I didn't have to.

"Maybe next time. This is as far as I wanted to go." He says. It's fine with me. It only means that there will be a next time. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and walks me to a chair. He almost falls himself on the way. I laugh a little after helping him catch himself.

"You need to sit down?" He ask.

"I'm not the one that almost fell." I tease him smiling. Drunk on love I think to myself. I can handle him but he can't handle me.

He regains his balance.

"Guess it's time to go." I say. We had been doing this longer than I thought. I'm shocked no one walked in on us.

He nods "Kanan's going to come looking for me if I don't." He kisses me one last time before he leaves for his cabin. I watch him until the cabin door closes with a hiss. Just before it did he looks back and winks at me. I blow him a kiss.

"Ni kar'taylir darasuum gar ner Jetii. Ni chaab bid ketye ibac eak ibacDarjetii malyasa'yr chakur gar be'chaaj teh ni. Mie turyr dush'shya (doshishya)

ui: than

ui kyr'am. Ni narir nakar'mir meh Ni liser cuyanir uresgar. Ni cak mirdir Ni echoy'la gar a at katktas gar ganar yaim'ol. Atkatktas tonight Ni kar'taylir ibac gar cuyir morut'yc. Nuhoy pirustiner kebiin eyed kar'taylir darasuum." I whispered to myself in mando.

* Translation: I love you my Jedi. I fear so much that one day that Sith will steal you away from me. Such a fate worse than death. I don't know if I could survive without you. I already thought I lost you but at least you have returned. At least tonight I know that you are safe. Sleep well my blue eyed love.

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