Kanera: Space Parents

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"A Jedi should not know anger, nor hatred, nor LOVE."

Padmé: "Are you allowed to love? I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi?"

Anakin: "Attachment is forbidden. Passion is forbidden. Compassion, which some would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life, so you might say we're encouraged to love."



"Spill it love." I say. I know that look better than any other look he has. He's given me that look several times over the years. "You're thinking about us."

"A little, something else just occurred to me. You know how your always saying Ezra and I are so much alike." Kanan says.

"Yes, you two could be more like each other if you were father and son." I say.

"Does the same thing apply to you and Sabine?" He ask.

"Never really thought about it. I guess in some ways we are a lot alike as well. Why?" I respond.

"You don't think that they are... you know like the two of us?" He adds.

I think about it for a minute before I respond.

"Are you asking me if they're involved with each other? Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me. They are both teenagers and they are attracted to each other. Even though Sabine denies it you can tell she's bluffing."

"That doesn't make me feel any better."

"You worry to much love. If they are so what. You would sound like a hypocrite if you called them out on it. We both would. I guess you could have Zeb do confront them but I don't think they would listen. It's only a matter of time before they do if there not already."

"Knowing Zeb he might encourage them."

"Love your honestly worried about the kids being to much like us. Why does it even matter?"

"Ezra's a Jedi in training. That type of behavior is forbidden."

"And your a Jedi. Your forbidden to act on your feelings as well. Does that stop us? It doesn't stop this." I say placing my hands on his face and kissing him right on the lips. He returns the kiss.

"It doesn't stop you from responding." I whisper.

"Well darling, you have a way of breaking me apart. I can't deny you anything." He says lifting me up by the waist. He coms Zeb. "Hey big guy. Hera and I are going to be busy tonight."

"Ok boss, what about the kids? Want me to get them out too?" Zeb responses.

"No, I don't think they will be disturbing us. They're busy themselves." I say.

"I thought you said you didn't know." Kanan says.

"Oh they are but that wasn't the point love." I say.

"The kid's get a little action from the artist? So that's what they're doing across the hall. Way to go Ezra. It took you long enough." Zeb says.

"They're doing what? Now?" Kanan says. I calm him down with another kiss.

"We don't know that for sure love."

The kiss distraction him enough to keep him from running into Sabine's cabin as we pass by it. Kanan pushes me against the wall trying to get my cabin door open while we continue to make out.

Once it's open he carries me through it. I waste no time unbuckling his armor. It falls to the ground.

Kanan pulls off my pilot helmet as I reach for the bottom of his shirt. I pull off his shirt and feel the zip in the back of my suit go down. He sets me down on my bed kissing my neck as my suit slips off my shoulders and he pulls it down to my waist. My hands go straight to work on his pants button and zipper. He undoes my bra and tosses it across the room his pants fall down in the process. He then makes quick work removing the rest of my suit.

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