Sabezra: Alone 2

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Connections, Love, & Attachment


Ezra carried me from my cabin into the kitchen staying inside me the whole way. Finally he set me down on the counter next to the stovetop.

"Don't move. Remember your not touching the ground at all today. At least not if I get my way.

"So why are we spending the entire day nude?" I ask as he starts cooking. I kick my legs as I wait.

"Just because." He says. He mixes something in a bowl then pulls out some muffins tins. He pulls out a wooden spoon with some mix on it. "Want a taste before I pour it in the cups?" He ask.

"How could I say no?" I respond. He holds the spoon to my mouth and slips it in. "Delicious! Is that Jargon muffins?"

"Of course. Family recipe." He says as he sets the bowl down beside me. He lays the muffin tins on my lap and pulls down the cups and cooking spray. "Want to help?"

I take the cups and place them in the tin. He sprays each cup. Once there's a cup in each hole he starts to pour the muffin batter into the cups. Then he taste the spoon himself before he puts it into the oven and sets the timer.

"Now where was I?" He ask as he looks over me. "Oh yeah, making sure I kiss every inch of you."

"Ezra!" I yell as he pulls me off the counter and holds me as he enters me again.

He carries me to the table as we passionately kiss. He sets me down on his lap as he sits down on the bench.

"Sabine..." he starts to say but the timer interrupts him. He uses the force to open the oven door and pull the muffins out. Two pot holders sit on the table. The muffins land gently on top of them. "Kanan would kill me if he caught me using the force like this."

"I won't tell. It's kinda impressive." I say. Just then a muffin float in between us. Ezra grabs it and unwraps it. The muffins stays between us after he removes the cup. We both take a bite of it.

"Ezra, this is really sweet and romantic." I say.

"Well you deserve it Sabine." He says. We take another bite. We continue to eat like this until half the muffins are gone. Ezra sets me down on the table to wait as he puts them up then hands me a glass of blue milk. I smile. He knows it's my favorite. We both sit on the table drinking our milk for a while. When we finish he puts the cups in the sink to wash later.

Then Ezra turns around and looks at me with pure hunger for me. He picks me up again and carries me back to my cabin. He putting me up on my bed.

"Ezra, what are you planning on doing?" I ask.

"Sixty nine that way I can finish my goal of kissing every inch of you from the front, and you can get a little action too." He says.

"You have the whole day planned out around sex today don't you?" I ask.

"It only took an hour to plan. I figured I'd work on the front all morning. At lunch I cook spaghetti. Then I start working on kissing every inch of your back." He says.

"Spaghetti for lunch? What's for dinner then?" I ask.

"That's a surprise." He says as he lays down on top of me. He picks up kissing me in the same spot he was when I stopped him. "Let's see I was here right."

I moan as his dick entered my mouth and his kisses got closer to my pussy. Finally he reached it and I felt his tongue go inside me. I moan and start sucking on his dick. We continue to eat each other out for a while.

Ezra pulls completely out of me and starts fingering me as he kisses my inner thighs and working his way farther down.

He repeats the breakfast thing for lunch. He kisses my feet as he cooks. We share a plate of spaghetti. Of course we ended up eating both sides of the same noodle and ended up kissing when we meet. That was the entire point.

After lunch he started kissing the back of my legs. Before dinner we had even anus sex. For dinner he cooked some type of Naboo oysters. Then we had shower sex.

True to his word Ezra never let me lay a single foot on the floor. It made for some pretty awkward moments at certain points. Most of the time it was pretty romantic. Kanan and Hera said they are never leaving the two of us alone on the Ghost ever again. Like they had much room to talk. They spent the entire day in a hotel room while Zeb and Chopper where standard on the Phantom. Ezra was right. Hera removed a vital part of the ship so it wouldn't fly until it was put back in no matter how many repairs the two made. That keep Zeb and Chopper busy and from interrupting them all day. I think Hera's a little jealous though. They returned to find homemade muffins, as well as leftover spaghetti, and Naboo oysters in the fridge. It didn't take Kanan long to figure out what happened while they were gone. Hera's mad at him after hearing the whole story because Ezra better at being romantic then he is.

"Kanan you could learn a lot about being romantic from your Padawan." Hera is yelling at him.

Zeb is in his room laughing his butt off. Repeating "The Kid's got game. Who knew?"

"I was raised in the Jedi temple. That type of stuff was forbidden. I never learned to be romantic like that." Kanan yelled back at her. He leaves the room. He stops when he sees Ezra.

"Seriously, you never let her touch the ground and cooked her two gourmet meals." He says.

"Don't forget I made her favorite muffins for breakfast and made her wish from the night before come true." Ezra adds.

"That is way over board kid." Kanan says as he pinches the bridge of his nose. Ezra just shrugs his shoulders. "You could have at least tried to make your master look impressive to his lady." Kanan continues.

"Do or do not. There is no try." Ezra shrugs again. Kanan nearly slapped him for that one. Especially after he added "You taught me that Master."

"Ok, I set myself up for that one." Kanan says. "Can you at least make some of those dishes for Hera and I sometime? They were delicious, and what was in those muffins."

"They were." Hera says. "How did you learn to cook like that on the streets?"

"Oh those were all recipes I use to cook with my parents when I was little." Ezra says. "I kinda got ahold of some Lothal Jargons from a family friends farm on the last supply run. I then used them in a family recipe for the muffins. I guess I'm the only that has it now."

* Ok guys this one got really long. This is actually my sex fantasy put into SWR from. This has never actually happened. Apparently Ezra is a child prodigy cook and a natural at romance. I imagine living on the streets for that long you see and hear plenty of things about sex terms. I try to keep it classy yet mature. Tell me what you think. Am I doing a good job? Please no one ask me about how she used the bathroom with him carrying her everywhere all day. Hint awkward moments. I'm so not explaining that. I'll do my other sexual fantasy with Kanan and Hera. It really wouldn't work for Ezra and Sabine just yet. It's weird is all I'm going to say. I'm not going to end this with my usual parting words.

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