Mother Daughter Talk

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Cartoons » Star Wars Rebels » Connections, Love, & Attachments
Author: Cassturn93   
Rated: M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Reviews: 14 - Published: 06-07-16 - Updated: 07-26-16    id:11987907
Connections, Love, & Attachment

Mother Daughter Talk

•Guys I'm going to cover more of the family aspects in this story before I continue with the M rated part. I figured you could use a cool down chapter. I'll do one for the boys too. This one focuses on the girls. I just want to show that there's more to this story than what I've written in previous chapters. Remember that the most important things in any relationship is communication and love. Also love is unpredictable and irrational. It can build up slowly over time or it can be instant. The events I'm writing about in this story usually take place closer to the time of a New Hope than where were currently at in Rebels. Those of you that don't ship Ezra and Sabine give it a few years and I bet you'll change your mind. Friendships like that tend to grow over time. Ezra's already attracted to her. It's only a matter of time before she'll start looking at him differently. She might already be but she hasn't let on yet. I think it's a slow building love between them. A love built on true friendship and compassion for each other. Hera and Kanan are the same but they're farther down the road. As always may the force be with you.



Life had changed on the Ghost big time over the years. Each addition to the crew being a key part. Kanan and my friendship growing stronger each year. We had started out as friends. By the time Zeb joined us we were so much more. Sabine and Ezra both thought we were married by the time they joined a year apart. I guess we do act like we are at times. This crew has really become a family though everything we've been through. We have even got to watch as Sabine and Ezra grew closer together and became a mini version of Kanan and I.

Right now Sabine and I are watching them train and talking.

"So this is what it feels like to be in love with a Jedi." Sabine says.

"It is. It's hard but worth it to be with someone who values life so much. You've got it harder than I have though." I say.

"How so?" She ask. I put my arm around her shoulders.

"Ezra has a dark past based off of selfish habits that were necessary at the time. He went through a lot to get over that past. He's had to face his inner demons several times and you've been through it with him every step of the way. I never really had to do that with Kanan." I explain.

"But you and Kanan have been through a lot as well. You had to help him find himself." Sabine said.

"I could only do so much there. Ezra is the one that brought the Jedi out of him again. I only helped him get close to people after what happened to the Jedi. I couldn't bring the Jedi in him back. I just hoped that something would one day until it did." I say.

"Your were there for him when he went blind and when we almost lost Ezra to Maul. You were there for all of us." Sabine says.

"I was. Kanan needed someone to be there for him then. He needed help and that's what I was there for him. Same for the rest of the crew after every time we almost lost a member. You guys are family. That's what families do. They are there for each other when they need it, in both good and bad times. I see you and Ezra as my kids Sabine. A mothers always there for her kids." I respond.

"I think I speak for us both when I say we see you in the same way. You and Kanan are like parents to all three of us, Ezra, Zeb, and I. You guys are always looking out for us no matter what." She says.

"It's our job. Like I said we're family. All of us even Chopper and AP-5."

"Ah our two pets." Sabine says laughing.

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