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If you don't think the title is giving anything away about what this message is going to be about, I am telling you, you can count this message has something really exciting somewhere in it.

First off, MY BLOG IS READY! *Fireworks* Check it out now:

I am so thrilled because I think it's awesome just as it is. But if you think it's terrible, feel free to tell me. I won't mind, my publisher's helping me with it anyway. :)

Also, my publisher is giving away a sequel of the book about Sienna and her - wait for it -baby! So go sign up in the blog RIGHT NOW! Don't set it for later! If you forget to sign up, you won't have access to the freebies. And don't even think about missing these stuff, they're free after all! :)

Now that you have signed up on the blog, it's time to announce the cover contest. I can't believe so many of you sent individual entries! I am amazed and humbled by the immense support you guys are sending my way.

Also, I didn't know so many of you were so artistic, really! My publisher had to reject some of the covers. I know, it sucks. But just know I appreciate every one of them, anyway.

A sandwich walks into a bar. The barman says: "Sorry, we don't serve food in here."

You know I wasn't going to end this without a joke, right? Mwahahaha!

Now go start voting! I'll see you in the next update! And never stop reading!

His Rebound Love | Bestseller 2017Where stories live. Discover now