Chapter Four

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My eyes stung when they finally opened.

The sun was beaming through the windows, and I had to immediately close my eyes again. Mum had opened the curtains before I woke up, her way of telling me to get my arse out of bed and get up at a decent hour today.

Half asleep, I was yawning loudly as a ringing came from my phone. I groaned and frowned. Whoever that was could fuck off. I wanted to sleep. That moment, my mind cleared up and realised it wasn't a call.

My alarm was going off. Dumbass. I cursed myself.

It was too early for any kind of functioning.

I was tempted to call in sick as I let my alarm play but decided against it as I sat up and silenced the thing.

Colt came barrelling through the bedroom door and straight up jumped to me. His tongue was sticking out, and I could smell the stench of fresh dog food from his breath. Rubbing my hand through his soft coat of brown fur, I smiled. "What do you think, work or stay home and sleep?"

He licked my hand and jumped further onto the bed. A huge dog, a six-foot man, and a double bed. Yes, the nights were cramped for sure. It was comfortable, though. That was if I stayed still with my feet hanging off the edge of the bed as Colt kept my legs pinned, sleeping over them.

Nuzzling his nose against my neck, I let out a laugh.

"Alright, work it is."

Work would be good. I needed the distraction. I welcomed anything to take my mind off her.

The moment I stood up, he lay down on my spot and got comfortable. "That's why you wanted me gone, huh? To have the bed to yourself." I grinned, giving him another rub on the tummy. "Be good for Nanna."

Searching the suitcase for my suit, I frowned when I pulled them out and realised I should have hung them out two days ago instead of keeping them in there as if I was going camping.

There was only one option for me. "Mum, do you think you could plug in the iron for me?"

"What for?" She was already up and cooking by the smell of it. She had her purple slippers on and old gown as she padded down the hall just as I was making my way out holding the clothes. "Oh, no. Let me get the press out. Go shower. I've got this dear."

I handed them over, relieved I didn't have to do it myself. Not that I couldn't. I just didn't really want to.

Contrary to what Jasmine thought, I did take pride in my appearance. I wasn't unfit, as I spent most mornings jogging around the block or evenings at the gym after work, pumping iron and gaining muscle. I had always been athletic at school and continued to be so. My hair was always done, unless it didn't need to be, and those were the days I enjoyed chilling out.

After a shower and a shave, I was good to go. When I opened the bathroom door, my suit was neatly hanging by the door in my room. Even my tie was out, and my shoes were freshly buffed.

"Are you sure you can't take a day off?" Mum asked when I ventured out, dressed for work. She was dishing up a plate of eggs and bacon with grey rollers in her hair. "You need a few days to yourself."

Ha, I wish. "I've got clients, Mum. I can't just drop them. Plus, I've got a busy day of meetings ahead." I lied. She didn't need to know that there was no meeting with clients and that most of my day would involve sitting at my desk, on the phone, and organising paperwork ready for clients to sign and then send them off to the bank for a mortgage loan approval.

Sounds boring, right?

I enjoyed it, though. Well, most of the time. There were times when I had to tell a client their application has been declined, and that went either way, but it was a rare occasion. Once, a guy tried to take a swing at me over a rejection. I was more than happy to submit another one; it would mean more money in my pocket, but the defaults on his credit checks weren't doing him any favours.

His Rebound Love | Bestseller 2017Where stories live. Discover now