CHAPTER 11: Meeting

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UNEDITED 2017 version.

September, Manhattan, New York

From Turks and Caicos to Portugal to Palawan to Cambodia to Bali and back to New York real quick.

The one month of unwinding is over. New York is still the same as it is. Busy streets, tall buildings, and crowded alleys. It is the city that never sleeps.

Dana is back to business and to her usual life. She's also back being busy just a week ago. Everything went to back to normal when they arrived. The Hendersons and Sanders parted ways after the trip. Though, they promised to visit each other soon when there's a chance. The bond of both families strengthens even more after that month of being together.

A lot of things happened.

Dana and Malcolm happened.

A knock on the door startled her from reading the weekly report for El Viejo Amore. Her secretary, Betsy, peeked in from outside. "Chef, Mr. Pearce is here to see you." She said and opened the door wide.

Travis Pearce came in without further ado. Dana stops and puts all the papers back in her table. She sighed and looked at him. "What brings you here Pearce?" she asked.

The man arched his brow and sat in the couch. "I was bored in my office so I went here instead." He grinned.

The day after they arrived from the trip, Travis fetched her from their manor. He drove her back to Manhattan and helped her fix her things in her house. That night, Travis crashed in so Dana has someone with her. They talked and Dana told him all the happening with that month of a trip. He was kind of annoyed after hearing that Dana already forgave Malcolm.

"What the hell did you do?" Travis' voice roared in all corner of her house.

She rolled her eyes and kicked his feet, "Oh come on! Stop shouting, I'm no enemy here boy!" She interjected. Still, Travis didn't let his guard down. He's pissed of what Dana just told him. So, Dana said again... "Trav, I'm tired of holding grudges. I wanted to be free from any hatred. He explained his side. He explained everything to me. Thomas even explained his side too. I'm no evil to prolong the agony. I feel like, it's about time to let it go and move on. In fact, he didn't mean it."

"Are you sure he didn't mean everything? Maybe he just planned the twist! He's making fun of you again!"

"You know what? You're so negative. What's done is done, Travis. I can't turn back the time anymore. Maybe if God allows me so, I'd still do it. It's for the best."

Travis just pressed his lips into a hard line after the talk. He's very much not convinced.

Travis rummaged through her papers. He read some of it. "You're doing boring things too." He said annoyingly and looked at her. "Let's go out. Reading reports is so boring Dana!"

Dana glared at him. "I was away for a month Travis! I need to work. I'm not like you who are lazy and very unproductive."

"Oh, at least I earn money even though I'm not in my company."

"Whatever!" She spat out.

The guy is so proud! Travis may be a party animal but he's good with digits and marketing. He earn big in just an hour. He's into Food Production and Construction too—that's why Travis and Thomas are both in the same field of work.

"By the way," Travis leaned in. "Your Mom invited me for a family dinner next week." He seems excited and enthusiastic about it. She knew exactly why that was.

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