D-7 : teasing

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Taehyung and Namjoon follows behind not so secretly as their little flower boy cling his arms tightly around Min-I thought we agreed to call him bastard-Yoongi.

"This is suspicion," Taehyung whispered, hiding his tall figure behind the lamppost while Namjoon stood next to him.
"Maybe they make up? Kiss kiss and make up?" Namjoon replies. Taehyung looked at him like the words just offended his entire life, nose scrunching when Namjoon grin playfully.

"Is this perhaps another tactic that Jimin stole from Pinterest; being extremely clingy so Yoongi would get bored and ask for sex first?" Taehyung asked, likely to himself.

Namjoon snorted, "Maybe because the whole campus now acknowledge them as a couple, so they just keep pretending until their game is done?" and Taehyung nodded vigorously at Namjoon's statement.

"If they were a real couple I would get super nauseous because, look at them," Taehyung reckoned as he points to their little flower boy who's kissing Min Yoongi on the nose.

"Honestly man, they cute. Shame that it's only an act." Namjoon shrugs his shoulders, dragging Taehyung by his collar to stop the younger from spying on Jimin.


Jimin presses his lips softly on Yoongi's nose, giggling when Yoongi mumbles something underneath his breath.

"You can let me go now hyung, I'll text you from time to time," Jimin whispered. His lips twisted into shy smile when the protective arms around his waist tightened and Yoongi mumbles yet another complaint with his head buried on Jimin's neck.


Upon hearing it, Jimin threw his head back as a bark of laughter came from his mouth, holding onto his stomach.

Jimin wipes his imaginary tears, "I told you last night to stop kissing me, but you're so stubborn. Now look at you, sleepy and unproductive."


"Stop talking in tiny fonts, you're 25 years old!" Jimin gasped. Another pecks on Yoongi's eyelids and Yoongi sigh contently at the gesture.

"Don't forget to text me baby, and keep my hoodie to you and you only."

Jimin smiled, but there's a playful glint in his eyes and Yoongi saw it through him, the older rolled his eyes.
"Alright, what do you want to do today?" Yoongi asked, a brow raised at the sounds of Jimin soft chuckles.

"I want to," Jimin whispers, leaning closer to Yoongi's ear, "tease you."

Yoongi chuckles nervously when Jimin's hand brushing with his chest, trailing down to his belt. His eyes fixated to Jimin, studying the younger face and his mouth curved into a smile.

"You're a living brat," said Yoongi and willingly let himself kissed hard on his lips. Loving the way Jimin nibbles on his lips. He's enjoying the kiss more than he realizes when Jimin parted their lips, Jimin's lips glistening with saliva.

"That's the last kiss for today hyung," Jimin whispered before he pushes Yoongi away lightly and the older is ready to whine again but Jimin shakes his index finger, mouthing a silent 'no'.

"See you at lunch break!" and Jimin make a little run with his hands frantically waving on the air.

Yoongi bit the inner cheeks of his mouth, smirking as he remembers how determined Park Jimin can be. Eventually, he's anticipating on what the younger will do now.

+     +     +

"Can you believe we have to see this two dumbasses face everyday just because Min Yoongi decided to play with Park Jimin?"

Namjoon glared at Seokjin and the pretty guy in front of him had the audacity to wink.

"Actually–" Taehyung is about to say something when Seokjin's eyes gawking him.
"Nevermind." Taehyung hid himself on Namjoon's shoulder.

Seokjin shove a full length hotdog in his mouth, "Where the hell is your boyfriend and my long face slave?"

"Jimin and Hoseok are in the same dance club, they're doing emergency meeting currently that's why they are not here yet," Yoongi answered almost immediately, his eyes narrowed on his phone on the table. Bitter that Jimin hasn't texted him since the morning after they parted.


Everyone turn their head to the sweet chirpy voice, Jimin and Hoseok walking together each of them have a pretty small box in their hands. Yoongi ignored the sweet calling and pretends to scroll through something on his phone—

A wet kiss right behind his ear and Jimin's whispering voice saying 'hyung' got Yoongi jolted on his seat and immediately turn his head toward the sly Jimin.

"We got a box of strawberry, a gift from our dance leader," Jimin chirped happily as he pushed Yoongi's body and sit on the older lap. He greets his two best friends like the usual.

Yoongi scoffed, "The lunch break almost finished, have you guys eaten yet?" he asked, wrapping a casual hand around Jimin's waist.

"I'm eating my strawberry right now," Jimin answered, turning his upper body so now he's facing Yoongi, shifting his soft ass a little too much. Yoongi hissed when Jimin licked on the strawberry.

"W-well, okay whatever." Yoongi dug his fingers on Jimin's waist and the younger glared at him, actually moving his ass right ontop of that place. Yoongi gritted his teeth, looking everywhere around him to distract himself from falling to Jimin's trap.

"We got a new dance routine, I was thinking to sign for the groove class if I have spare time," Jimin said, talking to Taehyung while completely ignoring the struggling Yoongi.

"Oh groove class, I heard they will teach you lap dance," Hoseok added.
"Lap dance, might be useful in the future, right?"

Jimin turn to Yoongi, his right hand feeding his bitten strawberry to the older while his left hand taking Yoongi's hand and putting it on his thigh. Yoongi took a bite, his face uninterested. Jimin pouted at the sudden attitude.

"Are you sulking hyung, you haven't talk that much to me?" Jimin whined, his eyes scanning for any hidden expression from the older.

His smile widen when the hand on his thigh now is grabbing hard, and he like that he can feel a growing bulge under him.

"I have to go now. Jimin baby, I'm sorry," Yoongi kisses lightly on Jimin's nape. His hands pushing lightly the younger and everyone's attention now is on him. He doesn't want that.

"I really need to go, baby please," Yoongi begged the last two words softly on Jimin's ears and the younger teasing smile turns into a wary one.

Jimin grabbed on Yoongi's hand, "I will go with you."

As Yoongi took Jimin by wrist and the two left the cafeteria, Seokjin raised his eyebrows and a creepy chuckles left his mouth, his eyes widen in disbelieve.

"Yoongi is going to skip a class after this, doesn't he?" Seokjin asked, now looking at Hoseok with his creepiest eyes scanning the younger face. Hoseok gulped down in fear, "I– I guess?"

Seokjin huffed and shove the last slice of apple into his mouth. Rolling his eyes when Namjoon offers him a bottle of water as he chokes on the damned apple and still refuse to take the fucking bottle.

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The way I lost another braincell trying to brainstorm ideas how to: sexual tension.

I realized that I don't have any talent for this one smh.

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