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It was hard to walk with the guy around his neck, so Junhui decided to pick him up and carry him princess style. He prayed that he didn't meet with anyone in the lift. He struggled to click on the button to the 3rd floor. When he finally reached it, he had to put the guy down for a bit so he could get the keys out of his pocket. 

Wonwoo wrapped his arms around Junhui's neck. He was screwed. Someone had to pay Junhui a good price since he was taking care of a drunk sloth guy. He sighed and grabbed the guy's thighs, placing them around his waist and carrying him like an actual sloth to the house. After locking the door, he put him down to remove his shoes and the guy's. Wonwoo was noticeably drunk, it was incredible. He looked Junhui up and down.

"The hot guy... why are you in my house? Are you... stealing my shoes?"

The hot guy picked him up again and carried the guy to his room, dropping him on his bed.

"Hey, Jun-Ju... Ahjunssi*?" Wonwoo chuckled at his joke as he supported himself on his elbow. "That's a...that's a good one."

"My name is Junhui" Junhui corrected but the guy just turned to the side and passed out again. He decided not care too much, as long as he didn't throw up on his bed. Grabbed a blanket from and covered the guy. He was also tired so took off his shirt and laid next to him, keeping some distance. It was a couple sized bed so it was good for the two. 

He was just about to fall asleep when the other guy abruptly throws his arm over him and gets closer. He takes a deep breath and looks at the guy drooling on his bed cover. He was still cute. 


The night went by too quick but it felt like an eternity for Wonwoo that was slowing waking up with a big headache. He groaned in pain but when his hand felt naked skin, he grew worried.

When he finally opened his eyes he saw the handsome guy from last night laying there, his arm was over his naked chest. Wonwoo rapidly sat up in confusion and trying to remember what had happened. Why in hell was in cuddling with him like that? 

His movements woke up Junhui. The guy stretched and looked at Wonwoo with a smile. 

"Good morning, sleeping beau-" 

He was interrupted by Wonwoo slapping him with his pillow. He sat up and looked at the boy, frowning. 

"What happened? Why am I here?"

"Calm down" Junhui sat on the bed. "Let me explain"

"Then explain." The guy grabbed his pillow and hugged it to create a barrier between him and the other guy. 

"You fell asleep after drinking too much. They told me to take you home. I didn't know where your house was and I wasn't letting you there. I took you with me."

"Why are you shirtless?"

Junhui raised his eyebrow. "Why does it matter? Are you intimidated, by any chance?"

The other guy ignored Junhui and took his phone out of his pocket to turn it on. He still had a headache but he needed to call someone. Like that, Junhui got up and walked to the bedroom's bathroom. He peaked out of the bathroom to talk to the guy.

"I'm going to shower. Leave if you want, eat something if you want, the kitchen is the second turn on the right. If you want to shower..." Wonwoo looked at him expressionless waiting for what he was going to say. "...inform me when I'm done."

The phone ringing on his hands startled Wonwoo, not to mention that it gave him a huge ache. He immediately picked it up. Before he started to undressed himself, Junhui was listening to the convo from the bathroom.

stuck on you | wonhui (no longer updating, read description)Where stories live. Discover now