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Ryker's POV

I sped down the road, hoping to get to the house as quick as possible so Uncle Louis wouldn't be anymore pissed. I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it from Lou. All because the stupid magazine.

I was nervous when I pulled up to the house, parking the car on the street and climbing out. I took my time climbing up the stairs and into the house. I cringed when I saw Louis and Eleanor sitting on the couch in the living room. Darcy's huskie lay at their feet sleeping but woke up when Lou cleared his throat.

"Where's your sister?" He asked in a deep, business-like tone. His face was stone hard and intimidating in a way. Even though I towered over him, I was a little scared by the way he was holding himself.

"I told you I wasn't waking her up," I responded curtly. Louis' face hardened ever so slightly. "The nightmares are back, Uncle Lou, you couldn't have expected me to wake her up."

"I expected you to listen to me." Was his response. I could feel myself getting angry at the fact that Louis was being so insensitive about Darcy.

"And when my sister wakes up in the middle of the night screaming because of some nightmare, I won't wake her up because you want to fucking yell at us," I seethed.

"When you keep fucking up like this and it ends up everywhere, you should expect me to yell at you! I'm getting tired of all of this shit. You and Darcy are out of control and I'm tired of having this conversation. I'm tired of looking online and seeing you and your sister were out partying and getting drunk. I'm tired of it, Ryker. You're both eighteen now. You're grown ups--" I stopped listening at that point. I was still irritated that he couldn't care less about Darcy having nightmares again. It concerned me, but obviously not the man that raised us. He still seemed to be going on and on about how me and Darcy were adults and need to start acting like ones. It was the same speech we always got, just different order from time to time. It was pointless telling us; it wasn't going to change anything. He would threaten to take our phones away or our cars away, but would never follow through. Darcy just had to bat her eyelashes and pout out her lip and we would be in the clear. Unless Aunt Eleanor put her two cents in.

"You hear?" Lou finished up. "I want this nonsense to stop or I'll take away your phone privileges and your car." I mentally scoffed at another empty threat.

"And if he doesn't, I will. I'm tired of you guys acting like you can get away with anything. Tell Darcy what we said. And before you go off thinking we don't care that her nightmares are back, we do. I'm going to call around to see if we can find someone that will help with it." Aunt Eleanor stood there after she added her input. Her stance was intimidating, more intimidating than Louis'.

"I will," I mumbled before walking up to my room and closing my door. I was curious as to when Darcy would get home. I had to talk to her about being more inconspicuous when we went out.

Darcy's POV

I walked into the house cautiously, hyper aware of any movement, but detected nothing alarming. There wasn't any screaming, nothing being thrown. The only sound was coming from my husky puppy, Batman, who was scratching on the door. I let him in quickly and gave him some water before running up the stairs and to Ryker's room. I didn't bother knocking, just burst into the room. Ryker was sitting in the little couch he had in the corner of his room with the Xbox controller in his hand and playing Call of Duty: Ghosts.

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