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Ryker's POV

Are you at the park?

I quickly sent to Chrissy. I could feel my hands start to sweat in anticipation for her answer. I was afraid she would turn me down, even though she seemed to like me yesterday. I paced in my room with my phone in my hand, checking the screen every minute. I felt like a little kid on Christmas. Five minutes had passed and still no answer, so I put my phone down and went down the stairs. Uncle Lou and Aunt El were sitting on the couch with Batman on their laps while watching a show.

"Darcy is at your Uncle Zayn's," He told me without looking up from the television. I nodded my head in acknowledgement before going into the kitchen and raiding the fridge for something to eat. With much disappointment-none of the food appealing to me-I walked back up to my room and checked my phone. I smile grew on my face when I had one text message from Chrissy.

I just got here, why? She asked. I shoved my feet into a pair of shoes and flew down the stairs, shouting a goodbye, and hopping into my car. I made it to the park in record time, but took a few minutes to assess myself. I fixed my hair, and took a few deep breaths before climbing out of the car and looking around the park. On one of the benches was a girl with a sketchbook in hand and her gaze on the sky before her. I slowly walked up towards her with my hands in my pockets. From my spot I could see the drawing and the many erase marks.  

"Hi," I said from my spot behind Chrissy. She jumped up, a little shriek escaping her lips and her eyes wide as she quickly turned around to face me. The look of fear escaped her features and I found myself laughing at how quickly she was scared.

"You scared the hell out of me!" She exclaimed which made me laugh even harder, even though there was nothing funny about the situation. It just felt good to be able to laugh about something, with someone who doesn't care who I am or what I've done. "And it's not funny, either." But I knew she was lying because the corners of her mouth were curled upwards and she was suppressing giggles.

"That was pretty funny," I sputtered out through my laughter. "You got so scared." Chrissy was laughing with me now. We must have looked foolish, howling with laughter in the middle of the park at eleven in the morning, but I didn't care. I didn't care of anyone thought we were crazy, I didn't care what anyone thought at all because I was here having a good time with someone who didn't care either.

"Alright, alright. What do you want, Styles?" Chrissy asked after she sobered up. A smile was still playing on her lips and it was such a beautiful thing to see.

"Let's go get lunch," I offered her. It hadn't been my original plan, but I was hungry and I wanted to sit down and get to know her.

She looked up at me with incredulous eyes, but a small blush was starting to creep onto her cheeks. My stomach was fluttering with each passing second and I just wanted her to say yes. "That sounds good," She finally answered. I wanted to do a victory dance and pump my fist in the air, but I didn't. I stayed calm and smiled at Chrissy. "Let me just grab my stuff." She quickly picked up all her drawing utensils and her sketch book-which had all fallen on the floor when she jumped up in fright.

"We can take my car. I know this place with great pizza," I told her with a smile. My hand fell to my side and I desperately wanted to grab ahold of hers, but pushed that thought away. I didn't want to push my limits, so my arm dangled there the whole way to my car.

Chrissy threw her stuff into my backseat and slid into the passenger seat while I climbed into the drivers side. I wanted to start a conversation, but I didn't know what to say. It was like everything escaped my mind. Every question I thought about asking her escaped my mind and it was just blank. Nothing. They fluttered out of my mind.

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