Chapter 7

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Buck and Steve ate the pancakes and got ready for the day ahead of them.

"Do you mind if I borrow a shirt? I've slept in this one so yeah." Buck asked.

"Yeah, come upstairs I'll give you one."

Steve led Buck upstairs and into his room. It was spacious yet simple; it consisted of a night stand, a working desk, a TV mounted on the wall, a big shelf full of CD's, a closet, and a double bed. There was so much space, it felt empty. After grabbing a maroon tshirt out of one of the drawers in his closet, he threw it at Buck's face, who was unaware and looking around the room. The tshirt hit the brunette and fell to the floor. Buck looked at Steve and grinned, a playfully sinister look lingering in his eyes and lips. He picked the top off of the floor and rolled his eyes at Steve who was nearly having a fit over the fact that Buck wasn't expecting that. As he started walking out, he called out to Steve.

"I'll get you back, eventually."

The blonde started undressing himself and started getting ready for a quick shower. He kept towels in his room so he grabbed one once he had completely stripped himself of his clothes and wrapped it around his waist tightly. He walked out of his room and to the bathroom but as he was approaching the door, Buck came out from inside. Stopping in awe, Buck looked Steve up and down before beginning to explain himself.

"Err, sorry. I-I just needed to use your toilet."

"That's okay pal. I'm just going to have a quick shower and I'll be down in a bit."

Buck nodded and stood in front of Steve for a couple of seconds - he was unable to move. Steve started to giggle and Buck snapped out of his trance. He made his way downstairs without saying goodbye. Steve looked back to see the brunette walking away and he bit his lip, turning back round again and proceeding to go shower.


Buck looked out the car until it came to a stop and the two men stepped out. They were standing outside a park. He remembered telling Steve that he enjoyed going to parks at times and so he instantly beamed over the fact that Steve remembered. As though he could read Buck's mind, Steve grinned.

"That's not all. We're about to have some fun." He said.

Bucky tilted his head in confusion but was dragged away by Steve's hand on his arm. The pair paced inside the park to be exposed to a funfair.

"I don't think this is a good idea Steve" the man pulled him back "there's a lot of people here. I'm not good around people." Buck began to panic almost.

Steve got closer to Buck, leaving a gap of only a couple of inches in between their bodies. He leaned in and whispered to Buck.

"You're going to be fine, I know you are. Plus I'm here and if I see you're too agitated then I'll pull you away, okay?" His tone was soft and quiet, keeping the conversation in between them only.

Buck nodded and they went further into the funfair. It was mainly Steve who dragged the brunette around from one place to the next. It didn't take long before Buck was releasing loud laughs into the air from the rides he was being made to go on. Him and Steve talked about the thrill of it all and how he hadn't had this much fun since just before the war. Before going on another ride, they stopped at a stand which had tin cans up in top of one another to form a triangle. 3 tries for $3 the sign at the top read.

"Think I can get them down Buck?" Steve raised an eyebrow and smiled playfully at the other man, trying to keep his on going laughter in.

"Go for it. I bet I can do it before you though." Buck challenged.

Steve payed $6 to the man behind the stand and got back 6 balls, 3 for Buck and 3 for himself. They went at it at the same time, trying to knock down the cans for a prize. First try, nothing. They both missed and looked at each other, exchanging heart warming smiles. Buck threw the other two balls and missed again, grunting in annoyance. Steve however, shot again and knocked all the cans down. The man running the game looked annoyed at the fact that someone had finally managed to win a prize and got a stuffed teddy bear from the side of the stall, handing it to the winner.

"Bet I can do it before you." Steve mimicked Buck and shot him a playful grin. "I'll let you have it so you don't sulk." He winked.

Buck grabbed the toy and held it in his hand; he made sure to hold it properly in case he lost it. Without noticing, the man looked happier than he ever had before. As for Steve, he looked at Bucky's lit up face, sighing quietly to himself. The other man looked up from his teddy.

"What's up?" He pouted slightly at Steve.

"Nothing. Come with me, I want to show you something."

Like he had done at the entrance of the park, Steve grabbed hold of Buck's arm and dragged him away from the buzzing crowd and all the rides. The two went deeper into the park and eventually up a hill. As they got higher and higher, the sunset became more noticeable and the beautiful, warm colours of the sky created a wonderful view. They got to the top and made themselves comfortable on the grass, looking ahead of them and appreciating the canvas that was the sky right in front of their eyes.

"You know Buck.. You have a lot more love for the world than you like to admit." Steve told him.

"What do you mean?"

"You value things a lot. I can tell by the way you appreciate things you're looking at and you're given. You look at them with tenderness."

"That doesn't change who I am."

"You're wrong. It's who you were. I may not have met the other side of you but I know it's definitely not the one I'm getting to know with each day."

Bucky didn't know how to reply to this so he simply stared at how the man sat down with his hands behind his back, holding him up. He looked down at the hand closest to him and wondered what Steve would think if he was to reach out and place his own on top. You have a lot more love for the world than you like to admit... I can tell by the way you appreciate things you're looking at. The words echoed in his head. Does that explain the way I look at you, Buck wondered.

Therapy // Stucky [AU] - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now