Chapter 3

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Sophia's POV
So today me and mark have officially been going out for a year and half I don't know if he is going to do anything special but he did say we are spending the day together so anything can happen right.

Anyway I finished looking at my phone and got out of bed and got dressed. Today I wore my black body suit with my light wash boyfriend jeans with my cream high heels.

Marks POV So today is mine and Sophia's 1 and 1/2 years anniversary she thinks we are just going out and having a chill day but when we're gone Logan, George and some others said they would set up the surprise for me

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Marks POV
So today is mine and Sophia's 1 and 1/2 years anniversary she thinks we are just going out and having a chill day but when we're gone Logan, George and some others said they would set up the surprise for me. Today I am going to Propose to her now I am really nervous that she will say no because it's to early but I really love her she is beautiful, funny and amazing and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

Sophia's POV
So I finished getting ready doing my makeup and all that, I headed up stairs to see mark. "Hey babe I'm ready to go" I said in a sweet voice. Hey came over and kissed me and took my hand and we headed out the apartment. "What exactly are we doing" I asked
"Well I was thinking we could go and get some good photos and have lunch out maybe see a movie or something it's your day baby what do you want wanna do" he asked
"Well I would like to get some photos for my Instagram and lunch sounds nice"

After we walked around Hollywood getting some cool cinema for our vlogs and some Fire photos for our instagrams we walked to our favourite place to have some lunch.

We sat there for about 2 hours. We started to walk back home when mark suggested that we get some more photos so we carried on walking I was a bit suspicious but just let it go because I was having the best day with the love of my life.

Marks POV
We were about to leave the restaurant when Logan text me.
(L= Logan M=mark)
L - hey bro there's been a slight problem
L- well the ring is not ready for another hour or so.
M - well I will just stall her see if Jake is free to meet with us and I could go and get the ring.
L - k bro I will see and this will work out and be perfect.
M- hope it will see u soon bro.

So now I am trying to stall her. Jake texted me saying he will 'bump' into us in about an hour. So for now we are  walking round getting cool shots for our vlogs and instagrams.

Thank god Jake turned up. "Babe is it okay if I do a bit of shopping Jake can go back to the apartment latter." I asked Sophia
"Yeah sure babe I don't mind see you later." She gave me a kiss and I started to walk towards the jewellery shop to get the ring. I know that Jake will keep her away from the apartment until I give him the heads up.

I got back to the apartment with the ring "thanks guys for doing this for me" I said to all the guys.
"We will anything for you bro and my sister deserves an engagement to remember" says Logan everyone else just nods. "Now mark I want to see the ring your giving my little sis" Logan shouts after a few awkward moments of silence. I open the box to a beautiful rose gold ring with quite a few diamonds on it.

I text Jake to say he can come home now

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I text Jake to say he can come home now. He replies and said he was on his way and to get ready OH MY GOD I have never been os nervous in my life partly because everyone is vlogging it and that she will say no.

The door opened and there she was he beautiful finger standing there shocked "oh my god mark" was all she could get out. I saw there tears starting to fall from her perfect blue eyes. I got down on one knee and said "Sophia Olivia Paul will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me"
"Oh my god mark......."

Sophia's POV

Me and mark were walking around until we bumped into my little brother Jakey. "Hey jakey what up"
"Everything good big sis you?"
"Yeah amazing me and mark are kind of celebrating our one and half years anniversary" after our conversation mark said he wanted to go shopping so he left I me and Jake just walked around Hollywood blvard. Then Jake said we should go back to the apartment.

I opened the door and saw everyone standing round vlogging or some type of social media I then read the barrier but up across the window. 'Will you marry me Sophia' I felt the tears coming I walked towards mark he got down on one knee and said "Sophia Olivia Paul will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me" I was shocked I really didn't expect this. All I could say was "oh my god mark......"

Ha ha cliffhanger I love doing this to everyone but here you are this I quite a long chapter and I might say I am quite proud of it anyway thx for reading hope this isn't to fast 😬

~Katie ❤🎉

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