Chapter 8

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Sophia's POV

I am about 8 and half months pregnant. The baby is due in like a week and this is all just becoming so realistic. Anyway tomorrow is mine and Logan's birthday and I am planning a party for him as I'm the best twin ever. I am nervous about becoming a mother I am only 21 nearly 22 and I am all ready a mother and about to get married soon.

So today i am just getting everything sorted for tonight. My outfit today is a simple grey jumper and some black leggings with my black and white all stars.

So a few hours have passed it about 6:30 right now and Logan should be back soon from a shoot that's he's been at all day

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So a few hours have passed it about 6:30 right now and Logan should be back soon from a shoot that's he's been at all day. Jake came over to help me get Logan out the house make it seem like we want to take him out. Logan just got back I am upstairs sitting on one of the love sacks waiting for Logan to get ready when all of a sudden I feel a sharp pain in my stomach i can tell then Jake can see me in pain. "Hey are you all right sophia" Jake asks concerned.
"No I think he's coming" I say in pain
"MARK LOGAN" Jake shouts. Mark and Logan come running up the stairs
"What's wrong" mark asks worried
"I think I'm going to to labour" I say grabbing my stomach and groaning in pain. "Omg my water just broke mark!" Logan grabs his car keys and of course his vlog camera by chance I have all three of them vloging me they help me up and we head to the hospital.

"Hurry the fuck up logan but your dam foot down" I shout at my brother
"Ha I am so glad that I'm not going to be in the delivery room with her" Jake says in the background. My contractions were getting closer. Logan and mark helped me out the car and into the hospital.
"Hey my sister is in labour" Logan says to the receptionist.

So it's about 10 pm I have been given some pain medication as this is going to be a long delivery the doctor says. Logan and Jake went to the party well I made them go. I don't want the baby to come on my birthday so I'm hoping that it comes out of me in the next hour.

Ok so my contractions are really close now I have lost track of the time as I'm in so much pain, mark has set up cameras to film the birth for the vlogs. The nurse came in "okay so your 10cm dilated I am going to get the midwives and doctors as I think you little boy is ready to come out and meet mum and dad" she said happily I just nod my head in response.
"Omg it official we going to be parents" I say to mark as he comes over and hold my hand.

"Okay on three push 1....2......3 PUSH" the doctor say. I squeeze the life out of marks hand as he rubs my head with his other hand. "Here he is" the doctor says as I open my eyes and see my little baby boy crying. The doctor hands him to me. Mark is getting some photos and cool shout for Instagram and everything.

Sorry late update and I kind of short chapter thanks to @Jojo_mort_11 for the idea ❤️. Thx for ready guys

~katie 💕

Sophia Paul (Logan and jake Paul fan fic) (disconnected)Where stories live. Discover now