Chapter 7

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Sophia's POV.

So today I am half way through my pregnancy I'm 4 and half months. Today me and mark have nothing to do so we are going to have a chill day and stay in bed. Well we thought that until I got a call. It was from Logan.

The call. (L-Logan S-Sophia)
L- "hey sis"
S- "get to the point Logan what has happened" I ask sternly
L- "umm...."
S- "ummm isn't an explanation Logan what happened" I ask a second time raising my voice
L-" we were racing..uh...on electric motorcycles down by the beach... when...uh... a car hit him" he explained
S- " you mean Jake right" I asked in a sad whisper.
L- "yeah he's in the hospital he was unconscious"
S- "I'm on my way" I say.
End of call

I quickly jump out of bed and I know mark can see the worry in my face as he gets up to to get ready. I put on a pair of leggings and a shirt and do my makeup really quick because I know I'm going to have a camera stuck in my face by Logan.

After we got ready I told mark what happened and we ordered an uber as we both don't have a car and we raced to the hospital

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After we got ready I told mark what happened and we ordered an uber as we both don't have a car and we raced to the hospital.

I ran inside to see Logan sitting in the waiting room. He saw me and came over and gave me a hug. "Do you know anything"I ask as tears fall down my face "not yet" he says while shaking his head. "Have you told anyone else?" I ask Logan as he just looks and me and shakes his head. I can see him trying to hold back the tears. I sit next to him and let him cry into my shoulder. He's our little brother I don't know what I would do without him I am closer with him then my own twin I can't lose him I'll do anything. I can't imagine the pain he's in.

We have been waiting here for about 2 hours waiting for news I texted team 10 to tell them what's happened they want me to text them when he wakes up. I knew it was only two hours but it felt like a life time. I now know what it was like for Logan and Jake to sit there when i was in hospital the amount of worry all the questions going through their heads. I know that this is all getting to Logan he probably thinks its his fault I Don't know how he dose this sit here waiting to see what is wrong with his younger sibling.

Suddenly a nurse came out asking for the family of Jake Paul. Me and Logan stood up and said "that's us"
"Well Jake is okay he has a few broken bones and a not to severe concussion he will need to stay in hospital for a day or two to make sure that the concussion isn't more then we think like a brain bleed or something but he is asking for a sophia." She says i sigh in relief that he is okay i hear Logan do the same "yeah I'm sophia what room is he in" i ask the nurse kindly. "He's in room 126 go to the elevator to he second floor and it should be on the right" she replies and walks off. Me Logan and mark all head towards the elevator. Once we get the second floor i look at every room number until i get to 126 i knock on the door. "Yeah come in" I weak voice says. I open the door slowly and look in to see my little brother lying on the hospital bed i can see he's in a lot of pain.i walk over to him and i give him a big hug i can see a small smile appear on his face. "How you doing" i ask. "I don't fell that bad knowing that i just got hit by a car they say i am lucky to get away with the injuries I have as it could have been way worse" Jake says. "Well that's good they said you will be out in the next couple of days."i say. "I am sorry bro"Logan says in the background "yo bro its not your fault it is the stupid person that hit me" Jake replied.

That night we all just talked and laughed about all the shit that is going on in our lives talking about future vlogs and all that. I fell asleep snuggled up on the hospital bed next to Jake while Logan and mark slept on the chairs in the room.


Thx for ready guys (1k reads) I love u so much ❤️ now I know this is a shit chapter nothing really happened witch isn't good. I fell like something good needs to happen in these chapters if u have any suggestions comment or dm me. Any way I am thinking of doing a Q and A as a chapter so if you have any questions comment them.

~ katie 😜❤️

Sophia Paul (Logan and jake Paul fan fic) (disconnected)Where stories live. Discover now