Chapter 13

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Sophia's POV

Hours I have been sat here. Logan and the rest of team 10 showed up to show they support. I haven't spoke a word since I got here. I'm just scared of what I will be told.

"Parents of Benjamin Paul donher" me and mark stand up. We follow the doctor into this room.
"What's wrong with our little boy" I say with tears running down my face.
"Ben has a brain tumour but we have caught it early so I believe we could avoid surgery and just do chemotherapy" the doctor says.
"I gave this to my baby it's all my fault if he dies it my fault it's not jakes it's mine" I say as I break down crying.
"Thanks doc" marks says. The doctor walks out the room to give us some time. I get up and walk back out to everyone. I walk over to Jake he doesn't ever move he just keeps his head down.
"I'm sorry Jake it wasn't your fault. You've had to see that twice in you life time when you shouldn't even have to see it once." I say to him, he stands up and I hug him. The doctor comes back and says mark and I can going and see ben. We walk to his room to see him. He lays there looking lifeless. Millions of wires and tubes and IVs all in him just to keep him with us. I had to go through this and now I'm putting my little boy through the exact same.

It's been a few hours, I just sat there holding his hand. I ask mark to let everyone come in. Once everyone is in he starts to wake up. "Mummy" he says very softly.
"I'm right here baby it's going to be okay no matter what happens" I say back to him.
"Where am I mummy?"
"You're in the hospital and your going to be here for a while"
"Why is that mommy" he asks in his cute soft voice.
"Because baby you are sick not like the cold you had but worse but mummy and daddy and everyone else in this room are going to be with you every step of the way." I say to him. He just nods his head. He looks so innocent just lying there with a smile on his face not knowing what's going to happen.

I slept there that night so did mark. Everyone else said they would be back in the morning.

I wake up to little finger twiddling with my hair. "Sorry mummy did I wake you" ben whisper to me trying not to wake up mark.
"No baby it's fine, how do you feel."
"I feel fine, when are we going home mummy?" He asks in his cute tone.
"I don't know baby" I say to him. He pats his bed signaling me to snuggle with him.
"Is my little brother in there or are you just fat?" He asks pointing to my belly.
"Ha ha you cheeky monkey yeah your little brother or sister is in there." I say tickling his belly. I look over to see mark recording us. I smile.

It's about noon when everyone comes to visit ben. Erika very kindly brought us changes of clothes as she knows we aren't going to leave his side. Jake didn't come with team 10 to visit ben, I think he still feels responsible. Ben was upset he didn't come so i had to lie and say he was on set and would come when he could. I fell bad for Jake twice it happened to him I don't know if he could make it through this one. I worry about Jake.

Hours went by they felt like days, months, years. I don't know how my mum and dad sat here for a year and a half not knowing if I was going to live. I have hardly survived a day. I just want to break down crying but I'm keeping a smile on my face for ben. Staying strong.

Back to Jake. He hasn't uploaded it's not like him he's never missed a day. I am getting more worried by the second. I get a text form Jake

J- hey sis just wanted to say bye these past 20 years with you have been amazing. All the memories I have with you are great. Please never forget me. I am doing this because I have caused you so much pain I put you in the hospital for a year and half of you life now I have done the same to your little boy. Bye sis you were the best I love you so much ❤️ hope the little one grows up to be like they mother. Kind and carrying. Bye ❤️😘

I tear rolls down my check. I know what he's going to do I call everyone at team 10 they say he's home alone I grab my keys and run out the hospital. Speeding, running lights and stop signs to get to my little brother. I run up to his house fans screaming my name wanting pictures. I just push past them and run through the door.
"JAKE" I scream at the top of my lungs. I run upstairs to his room and walk in to see him about to hang himself. "Please Jake don't do that it's not your fault I told you that if it's anyone's it's mine I am the one who gave it to him. Yeah you were there when I was diagnosed so you presumed it was your fault when it wasn't. Jake I love you so much so please don't do this. How am I supposed to tell ben. Oh yeah sorry ben but your idiot uncle Jake hung himself because he saved your life. Huh you saved ben Jake imagine he never had that seizure we would have never known that he had a brain tumour and it would have grown and we wouldn't of been able to get him back. How am I supposed to tell this little one why they never got to meet there uncle,the Jake Paul, there uncle. Huh Jake why are you going to put me in this position?" I stand there not knowing what he is going to decide. He steps down and hugs me tight like he's never going to let go. He cries on my shoulder as team 10 come rushing in. He points to the corner where a go pro and a letter is. I go and read the letter.

Dear person who reads this,
I did this to my self because I can't take it anymore I put sophia and now ben in the hospital. I am sorry Erika for leaving you but I know you will find someone way better than me and get over me. And sophia I am so sorry I was never there to protect you that day I could have perverted everything. And Logan I love you bro you have always been there for me like all older siblings should be and I hope you succeed in life and get everything you want because you deserve it. And team 10 continue to take over the world without me I know you guys can do that. I would like who ever finds me to post this video to my channel I would like you to go on my computer where I have already edited the first part just add the footage from the go pro. Thanks xx 

Tears steaming down my face I put the letter in my pocket not wanting anyone else to read it. I look at my brother wondering where that boy that didn't give a f*ck about anything and showed no emotion and just lived life no what happened had gone.

An emotional chapter for you guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I would like to thank you guys for all the positive comments and feed back you give me. I am in like bottom set English and am
Sh*t at spelling and here I am, having people saying I'm an amazing writer and that this book is amazing. So thank you so much ❤️ ily all.💞

~katie 👶🏼

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