Chapter 1

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"Stella... Where were you ? You are again late at work." Jenny asked Stella angrily. Jenny was the Manager at the office where Stella worked.

"I am so sorry Jenny. Got stuck in the traffic." replied Stella feeling guilty. Stella was a very sincere and humble woman. She worked for a newspaper agency in Boston, Massachusetts. Her parents died when she was a toddler. Since then she has been living with her grandmother.

Jenny huffed irritated, "Look Stella. This attitude at work won't be tolerated any longer. You are almost half an hour late. If you think you can't handle the traffic then start two hours prior from your home. And take this as your last warning, I shall not overlook the matter next time." Jenny was a petite woman in her late thirties. She was good at heart but her sole problem was anger. When work comes, she was known to be the strictest & unforgiving in her department.

Stella bit her lip in embarrassment and apologized and then went to her desk to start with her awfully started day.

"Hey Stella ! Morning." Kate greeted cheerfully. Stella looked at Kate and smiled a little and went back to editing the articles. Kate had heard the warning and Stella being scolded by Jenny. Thanks to the squeaky voice of Miss Hitler aka Jenny. Kate was Stella's best friend. They both met at high school and since then they have been inseparable. "Relax and stop worrying. You know how Miss J is, so ignore what she said." Kate told Stella. "But why didn't you tell Jenny about your grandmother's health ? And how is she now ?" Kate asked Stella.

Stella sighed and said, "Well... She's not doing good. She still has trouble breathing and also her feet has a bit of swelling. I took her to doctor's and they said she'll be fine and its all because of her age. I am just worried for her. I hope she gets fine soon." Stella held her head in her hands, resting it on the desk and closed her eyes. "You know she's all I have and the thought of her leaving me and going away forever scares the day lights out of me." Stella said eyes closed.

Kate looked at her friend sadly and patted on her back, "Stella am sure she'll get fine soon. Don't worry. You have to be strong and just think positive." she said in understanding.

Stella looked at Kate and smiled weakly. "Lets get to work before Jenny decides to kick both of us out" joked Stella sarcastically. Kate smiled and they both got back to working.

Stella's Point of View:-

Finally today's office comes to an end. I am feeling so drained. Editing 50 articles and making slides for presentation wasn't an easy task after all. I just hope Grandma's doing fine. Jenny had been pathetic with me today. Don't know what her problem is with me. Oh my head is aching, how much I wish home was not so far from office. Just waiting for a raise and then probably I'll rent a flat nearer to this place.

Ugh... Now wait for the bus. Thanks to Jenny for making me work overtime. Hate her so much. Oh god ! Sometimes I miss my parents so much, if only they were alive then I wouldn't have to work so hard and could focus on graduating and studying further. I still remember that tragic day of their death, although vaguely. I was hardly 5 but the memories are imprinted like bullet holes in my mind. I wish I had not gone to play school that day. I had never thought in my wildest of dreams that I would be returning to a house full of cops and sirens and ambulance. I remember how the nurses were carrying two stretchers hurriedly inside the ambulance and I had ran behind them to the ambulance and was to confused to acknowledge that my parents had left me forever. Aunt Megan had been there, she was our neighbour that time. She was the one who had taken care of me till my grandmother didn't come. Sadly our family was very small. My grandmother only had my dad and my mother was an orphan. I was also the only child. How much I miss having a sibling...

My trail of thoughts was broken by the horn of a car. It was a silver coloured Ferrari. I wonder why it stopped by me and then the the window of the car went down and I saw the most amazing pair of blue eyes. Inside the Ferrari sat a man, must be in his mid-twenties. He wore a black coloured tuxedo and a cream colour shirt inside it. He had dark brown hair and a sharp nose. I wonder if he was a model or something.

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