Chapter 3

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The following morning Stella woke up to a phone call from an unknown number. When she answered it, she came to know that she was called in the mortuary at 11 am to collect her grandma's body and also the doctors wanted to speak to her regarding the postmortem reports.

She got up and got ready. She had overslept already and didn't wanted to get late. She wondered what Franklin was doing. She went to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee before she leaves. When she got to the kitchen, she caught a whiff of pancakes and as if in reaction her stomach grumbled.

Franklin turned to look back and saw Stella looking at him embarrassed. "Seems someone's hungry !" he smiled at her. "Come on take a plate and help yourself, I've made pancakes and there is apricot syrup on the island.

"Thank you Frank, but you shouldn't have bothered so much. You should have told me, I could have made the breakfast." Stella said, walking towards the island and taking the plates & spoons and apricot syrup to lay it out on the dining table. "Do you want some coffee ?" she asked taking out the kettle and filling it up with water and milk.

"Yeah sure." said Franklin turning off the gas and chimney and taking the pancakes to the dining table. "I hope you slept well ?" he asked placing the pancakes on the table and taking his seat.

"Yea. I did. Actually too well, since I overslept for almost an hour." she said taking out coffee mugs from the cupboard. Then she poured the coffee in each of the mugs and walked towards the table, placing the mugs one in front of each of them.

"Thanks." said Franklin. He then served the pancakes on each one of them's plate and poured some syrup and they both started eating in silence.

"I got a call from the doctor. He said that we are scheduled to meet him at 11 am for the reports." said Stella breaking the silence and gulping the coffee quickly.

Franklin nodded his head. "Yeah I know. I too got a call from them, I guess there is something bigger and important they want to tell us. I hope it gives some clue about the murderers."

Stella nodded and excused herself from the table and took the empty plate and mug to the dishwasher sink. "I too hope so. " she said suddenly feeling low at the thought of her grandmother.

The following hour, they both went to mortuary, even after Stella's continuous insisting Franklin that he shouldn't bother coming, he ignored it all and decided to accompany her, as he thought it was a low moment for Stella and she shouldn't be left alone. They spoke to the doctors about the report and came across a shocking revelation.

"It was hit on the back of her head. As a reaction she had a concussion and died immediately." said the doctor, showing the report.

Stella, on hearing it, broke down and starting crying. Franklin helped her sit down and told her to be strong and calmed her down.

"I know Mam its too much too take in for you, " said the doctor " But there's an important thing I want to tell you."

Stella looked at the doctor sadly wiping away her tears.

The doctor continued, "I have spoken to the investigation team and together we have come across a shocking conclusion. Whoever had murdered your grandmother was not looking for robbery of money, gold or anything. Instead he was looking for something which only probably your grandma knew." Stella stared at the doctor shocked and confused. "Do you have any idea or probably you might know if you or family had any sort of rivalry with anyone in the past. Or anything which you feel is important for this case ?" asked the doctor taking a seat in his office chair.

Stella was shell shocked at that moment she tried to go through all the people she knew about, in her mind and finally after a minute she replied, "No one as such I know who had any animosity or anything against of us."

The doctor nodded and gave her some papers of confirmation to sign and then paid his condolences to her. Then after that Stella and Franklin went to the church and from there they went to the graveyard, where many of her friends and people known to her and her family had gathered. The cremation was performed. Stella had cried a lot, her friend Kate had been by her side along with Franklin, throughout the ceremony. After that Franklin had taken her and Kate back to his place.

Franklin had gone to work as he had a new case to work on and his chief wanted to meet him. So he left Kate with Stella to take care of her and be with her at this delicate moment, although Stella was much better and composed compared to what she had been in the morning. Kate and Stella spent the remaining of the day talking and watching television.

"So when are you joining back at work?" Kate asked Stella.

Stella sighed "I don't know. I have applied for a week's leave but I guess I'll join sooner." she said.

Kate got up to take the glasses back to the kitchen. "So what are you doing about your house now ?" she asked. "I wish I could offer you mine, but my parents are coming here for a month so I am afraid that option would have to kept on hold for a while." said Kate helplessly.

"Its not an issue. Don't feel guilty about it. You have done too much for me already." said Stella smiling greatfully at Kate. "And I have to start the hunt for finding the houses by tomorrow. I am already being too much of a burden for Frank--" she was cut off by a known voice from behind .

"No ! If anything, you are a great company to me." said Frank closing the door behind him.

"Oh hey ! When did you come ? Almost gave me a fright !" said Kate greeting Frank.

"Just now. When you both were having the conversation" Frank told keeping his briefcase on the floor. He took a seat on the sofa across in the living room. 

Stella gave a glass of water "How was it today? Kate told you have a new case to work on now ?" she asked, remembering the conversation she had with Kate this evening.

"Yeah. That's something I wanted to tell you." said Frank. "I would be supervising the investigation regarding your grandmom's murder. Stella... I know it will be hard for you to believe but today I went to your place and we found an evidence, that probably would help us further to solve this mystery." spoke Franklin in an officious tone, while Stella heard intently. "From the call records we found out that your grandma had an international call from Milan, Italy. Although we couldn't retain any recording of it as it was a call which lasted for less then a minute. But the interesting thing to note is that she had noted down a number on the pad which was lying next to the receiver. And we found out that, that number belongs to Mr Pistorio and he happens to be one of the minsiter's in Italian Secretariat." Stella's looked at Frank confused. She was shocked to hear this piece of news.

"But why did grandma note down his number? From what I know, she didn't have any acquaintances abroad." Stella asked.

Frank got up from his seat and gave Stella an envelop. She looked at him and then at envelop, confused. "What's in this ?" she asked.

"Open it. You'll know." Frank said taking sip of water.

Stella hesitantly opened it and there were some photos and articles in it. she looked at them carefully and what she saw shook her to the core.

"I don't believe this. This can't be true. They were the best people I've known and I love them." she blurted out in shock and frustration.

Than she read the headline on the article which she was holding.


"Oh my God !!! They were my family.............." she spoke out her thoughts.


Hello all 

Chapter 3 uploaded. I know its short. But next time I promise its going to be lengthier. Hope you all liked it. Sorry couldn't upload sooner, was stuck up with my classes. 

Keep reading and commenting. 



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