Chapter 7_The Kiss

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I called Taylor an hour ago and asked him to come over . Even though I enjoyed today with William , I just don't want to be alone and if I had asked him to stay after what almost happened I would change our whole dynamic . We are only friends after all , besides , Taylor has been trying to get a hold of me all week as well , I ignored them both , so it's only right that I speak to Taylor too .

I'm tidying up a bit , not that Taylor is one to judge , the place is just in need of some care . Steve was barely here so I consider the place officially mine . Legally it's so close to being mine . I'll be eighteen next week . It might just be my saddest birthday ever . I think I shouldn't celebrate , I have no reason to .

I look around and everything looks okay . I need to get a job as soon as possible so that I can redecorate . I walk over to the cabinet below the tv spotting a photograph of my mom and I when we were out having ice cream . It was a simple day . I was so young and happy . I hadn't noticed it here before . A smile makes its way to my face . I wonder if she smiled when she placed the photograph here . How could I have missed all the detail and effort she's made to our home ?

The doorbell rings and I immediately wipe my cheek after shamelessly letting a tear fall . I don't deserve to be sad . I deserve all the pain .

I walk towards the front door and hesitate . I don't know if I'm ready to see Taylor . I recall him being in love with me but that probably changed right . I mean I wouldn't love someone that ignored me . Okay that's not particularly true . I should just get it over with .

I finally open the door revealing Taylor . His wearing a bright , white T-shirt , some dark jeans and a denim jacket . He looks effortlessly gorgeous . My eyes meet his and I give a half smile . I shouldn't have stared . He doesn't mention it though . He tilts his head sideways and frowns . I nod and he responds by opening his arms as wide as he can in the tiny door frame . I walk into his arms and take in his warmth . His arms immediately wrap around me , this feels different , I feel almost safe . I dig my head deeper into his chest , I really can't get enough of his embrace , his smell , damn . I feel his soft , cold lips kiss my forehead . They are so cold yet the only thing I feel is warmth . Something changed .

A minute passed and I remove myself from his warm embrace . I don't know what to say or how his feeling . I do know what I'm feeling though . I regret not accepting this comfort . I don't feel better but I surely don't feel as bad as before . I missed him .

I look down at my feet . I'm unsure whether I should apologise or just hug him again , that was easier but before I can decide Taylor goes ahead .

"Hey ," he simply says . His smile being my only focus , it's contagious .

"Hi ," I respond with a smile of my own . A real one . It came easy this time .

"How are you Alexandra ? How have you been ? God , I missed you . You better have missed me too . You got me worried sick . I'm so sorry about your mom passing on , I can't imagine the pain you endured..." he looks down , "I only wished you would've called sooner . I tried calling but you didn't answer , I even showed up a few times but still nothing . Please , please never do that again . Please . You do still have people that care about you , you know that right ? Are you alright ?" He asks . And asks .

"Whoa , okay , stop ," I snigger , "firstly , you may come in it is getting cold ." I stand against the wall and motion for him to enter . After all his attempts he still feels the need to explain himself . I was in the wrong yet he feels like he should give an explanation . His crazy but I appreciate him .

"Right ," he lets out a breath of cold air , it is almost winter , so nights like these are only going to get colder .

I walk towards the living room and take a seat on the three seated couch . It's the worst possible couch to sleep on . Taylor joins me and doesn't refrain from sitting too close . In all honesty it doesn't bother me one bit .

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