*Alexandra's POV unless stated otherwise*
I get out of the bathroom and head straight to my room . I really don't want to ask him to help me dress myself , I'll just wear a jacket to cover up the fact that I can't put a bra on .
I hear a female voice coming from downstairs and I quickly put a spaghetti sleeved top on with one of my old-fashioned mini skirts . It's the easiest for the time being . Besides I'm only going to see whose downstairs .
I make my way down the stairs and I see William standing in the door frame talking to the girl whom I assume is the voice I heard a second ago . I walk a bit faster and they both look at me strangely as I reach the bottom of the stairs . This is awkward .
The girl runs towards me , smiling with her perfect pearl teeth . She is beautiful . She gives me a tight embrace and I stare at William from over her shoulder . He doesn't say a thing .
"Oh my God !" She exclaims after finally letting go of me . "Alex , you are so gorgeous look at you !"
"Uhm , thank you..." I trail off so that she knows to tell me who the hell she is .
"What is wrong with you two ? Looking at me like you don't remember ," she looks back and forth from me to Will . "It's me , Amanda Sims , dude we were best friends in eighth grade remember !" She gives off that pretty smile as she stares at me with hopeful eyes . I know exactly who she is .
"Oh ! Amanda ! How could I forget ? You just look so different without your glasses . And your hair , wow , you look amazing ," I admire the way her hair flows and how her green eyes glow when the light shining from the tiny door frame reaches her face . She didn't always look this way . She was made fun of because she had braces and she wore those huge glasses and honestly she just never tried to look decent . But I can't deny it , she looks gorgeous now .
"Yes exactly ," she giggles and it instantly annoys me . I haven't heard that kind of laugh in a while . Damn , it kinda sucks having had only a guy friend . "You two look so cute , honestly , are you guys together ?" She asks and I look at William who isn't making any effort to answer her . Why is this so hard though ? We aren't together .
"No we're just friend-" she doesn't let me finish .
"Good , because I couldn't help but ask if Will wanted to hang out with me today ?" She turns to look at William . God , that stung . That's another thing I remember her by . Her stupid crush on William . I know he never felt the same way but look at her ! She's fucking gorgeous , what if he changes his mind ? Fuck , why does that bother me ? I hid the way I felt about him all this time , she never suspected it . She only thought he was my best friend . Well , he was but I always had feelings for him . I never wanted to hurt her though , she had been through a lot at the time . Why today ? Why did she have to be at the door today ?
"I was actually going to take Alexandra to the hospital to get her hand checked out ," William says . I thought we were going for breakfast . Who am I kidding ? I can't eat breakfast right now .
"Oh , well you guys go , I'll just unpack my things and I'll see you guys later ," she says . Wait , what ? She's unpacking her things ?
"What do you mean ? Are you staying here ?" I ask her . What is going on ?
"Yeah , didn't your mom tell you ? She called me 2 weeks ago and asked that I come down for your birthday , I decided to come early though . Surprise !" She screams . My mom wanted her here ? She did it for me ? Why hadn't she told me ? Didn't she know that I'm not that close with Amanda ? Did she know that Amanda likes William too ?
"My mother didn't tell me ," I look down at my hand and it's starting to turn blue at my finger joints . It looks the way I feel right now .
"That's strange , where is your mother ? I hope she didn't change her mind ," she grimaces . She doesn't know .

I Do Need You
Roman pour AdolescentsThis story follows the life of eighteen year old Alexandra Devanson . She's ending off her senior year and everything seems to be falling apart . She desires so many things , but the one thing she always wanted and maybe even needed was him . She's...