Chapter 2_Kind Gesture

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I always wake up two minutes before my alarm goes off , it's so annoying . I'm so glad its the last quarter of school , I cannot wait to just go to college and leave this place . I'm one of those people who enjoys the work and not the socializing . I have a feeling this quarter is going to suck .

I do my usual morning routine , breakfast first . Food is important , I love food .

I've decided since the sun is shining and the birds are chirping , today is a good day to start riding my new scooter Steve got me . Hey the guy is loaded .

So after finishing breakfast , I head back to my room to get ready . Despite hating school , I can't help but want to try this quarter , just for all times sake . I choose to go with my new ripped shorts and tight sleeveless shirt , it's plain white with black prints saying 'white' . It's ironic , Will and I found it hilarious that day in the store . We used to love shopping together , I would always choose these ridiculous shorts for him and he always picked out those unflattering lingerie which I never needed because well I was only fourteen . Fun times . Anyways I finish the look with white converse and my hair in its natural wave . This look is definitely more revealing thanks to the humid weather .

Time to get the scooter out . Just as I head out the front door with my helmet in hand , I see Smith getting in his mom's car , he waves and I give him the brightest smile I can muster this early in the morning . His mom drives off just as I get to my scooter . I feel a poke at my side , I jolt out of surprise , my helmet dropping to the floor .

I turn around to see Will standing next to me with an amused smile . After four years that's the best he can do . Just as he bends over to pick up my helmet , his shirt slightly rides up his back . He has a tattoo , I can't make out what it is though . I wonder what it could be ? Why would he get a tattoo ? Why is this bothering me ? He stands up now and I can't help but take in his appearance . His so tall now , his skin toned . His wearing a white shirt with tight black jeans , his black converse adding to his simple yet appealing style .

"Thanks," I say looking him straight in the eyes , his gaze is so intimadating as he hands me my helmet .

His eyes rakes down my body , taking in my appearance , like I did his , some thing's never change , "I like your shirt," he says emotionlessly . Asshole .

If it was that much of an effort to give me a sincere complement , why waste his time faking one ? I didn't need his approval , the shirt doesn't mean much anyway .

"Thanks William," I say in monotone as I break eye contact and place my helmet on my head . Safety first .

"Alexandra," his hand now on my shoulder as I hop on my scooter, "you could drive with me to school , if you want."

Without a second thought .

"No thank you , I'm good," just like that he moves his hand and I take off .

What just happened ? The guy next door , who basically ended our friendship and became the biggest stranger in the world , comes up to me and offers me a ride to school , right after fake complementing me . We're not friends anymore , we haven't been for four years now and I'm okay with that . Okay maybe I'm not completely happy about it but I've been content . I hate how cold he is towards me after all we've been through especially since he never told me why . I hate that I'd still always want to rekindle that friendship we once had . Forget it , I can't trust him anymore . His changed and I don't know him anymore . Just got to live with it .


I arrive at the school parking lot in less than fifteen minutes . I'm always early for all times sake . I hate being late . There's just no point in coming late , being the center of attention as you walk into the classroom , confrontation from the teacher , if anything I'm nervous under pressure . To avoid all that shit , I make sure I'm on time .

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