Ohio (Part two)

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2:00 am / Josh's POV

I woke up and started packing my clothes, and anything I would need. I packed essentials, shampoo, body soap... etc. I finished packing then went into the bed that my sister fell asleep in. It wasn't weird or anything. 'Cause her and me are like best friends.

I grabbed my suitcase and grabbed my old extra pillow then laid them over in a corner somewhere. I went downstairs and grabbed a Poptart then toasted it then sat on the couch and listened to some music on my dads MP3 player. I sat down and ate my Poptart as I listening to Green Day. My parents would kill me if they say I was listening to that.

They'd make me listen to Reliant K and all of those Christian bands. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm a Christian. But I like to listen to some of my own style for once in awhile.

"I guess I fell asleep..." I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes, then looking out the window at the bright sun shining on my eyes. As I see my mom walk down the stairs and smile at me as I give her a nasty glare then look the other way.

"Joshua... Please don't ignore me." She sighed. "Why the hell is she acting like nothing even happened last night?? Did she forget that she ruined my life?!Did she forget that she's shipping me to some random people like a box of mail? Does she think everything is fine? I thought to myself as I tried to put together a sentence without yelling or getting pissed off. "What time..?" I sighed.

"What, Joshua?" She said trying to look at me. "What... time?" I said in a slightly more moody tone. "O-Oh... Well, it's 7:00 am right now... 9:00, you're leaving at 9:00." She looked at me, as I scoffed and looked away.

"Do you have every"--"Everything packed? Yes." I said interrupting her purposefully trying to annoy her, because she hated it when people interrupt her.

"Yes.." she said giving me an annoyed face. "Did you take a shower?"

"Yes.. I took a shower at 1:00..." I sighed looking down at my lap. "Joshua..." she said quietly walking up to me and grabbing my chin as I pulled away. Ugh... I gave her a nasty look. "Josh... You'll be back here soon..." she smiled. "I don't even care..." I said standing up and going upstairs then sitting in my room listening to music until it was 8:00 and my mom came upstairs. "Josh... It's time to go." She said through a crack in the door. "Okay." I replied standing up then changing my clothes.

I put on my new pair of clothes then grabbed my bags and walked downstairs. I walked outside breathing in the air then carrying my pillow and bag to the car, then putting it in the back trunk. "We've got about an hour road trip. Josh." She smiled. "Ooh... That's just great..." I said in a sarcastic tone, walking to the front of the car then getting in the passenger side and putting my headphones in and turning on some music.

Finally I take my headphones out seeing a mailbox that has five numbers on it. I looked at the bigger than normal sized house, as we pulled up we were welcomed by a tall man
"Hello, Mrs Dun." He gave her a smug look as I gave him an annoyed face. "Hello, Josh, or would you prefer me to call you Joshua." He smiled. "Whatever you want. Like call me trash, I'm already treated like it." I kinda snorted at my remark.

"Okay, well come on inside." He smiled in a welcoming way as I grabbed my bags then went into the opened door seeing a room consisting of the color yellow and green and a huge staircase. "You'll be staying up here next to Tyler's room." He smiled. "'Kay.." I said carrying my bags upstairs. And the man didn't follow me so I presumed he thought I knew where I was going.

I stumbled around carrying my bag, and seeing a room where there was a brunette boy about 18 or around my age. He looked at me smiling. He had a very intoxicating smile. "Hi, I'm Tyler." He smiled at me. "Josh." I scratched my head. "Um... Do you know where my room is?" I chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, right there!" He smiled lightly pointing at the room on the left of his.

Tyler's POV

--"Yeah, right there!" I smiled looking at the boy as he smiled back. I coughed slightly more then watched the boy go into his room then sit on top of the bed that had navy blue sheets. And white pillows with a navy blue color.

"Okay, have fun." I giggled going back to my room.


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