Don't Touch My Body

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How many times have you felt uncomfortable by inappropriate jokes, sexually harassed, groped in the streets. Made to feel like a sex object, belittled, shamed, removed of all dignity.
Unfortunately for many, this is everyday reality. This sort of behavior happens all too often, and we're all aware of it happening.
Yet we choose to ignore it blindly. What does that say about our society? How many times have you told yourself "It's fine." Nothing's going to change "I'm use to it." And what kind of affect does that kind of attitude have on our future kids.
I know it's hard but it's so important for us to speak out and admit, that there is something really wrong here and sexual harassment exists.

How dare you touch me inappropriately. Looking me up and down like I'm some piece of meat. Invading my personal pace, putting you're unwanted hands on my body.
Not even processing the thought that hey maybe, just maybe, that might not be okay with me.
See, I'll never understand how some people feel the need to touch everything they see?
It's insane to me.
You're a grown person, how do you fail to understand that my body is not public property?
I'm not here for your pleasure.
You don't get to to do with me as you please. Even if I'm walking around stark naked, drunk out of my mind,
You still don't touch me.

And the sad fact is that this type of behavior happens regularly. So much so that most people become desensitized to it. It happens so often that it's become an accepted part of reality.
You build courage to report the incident, only to see that the people in power don't even take it seriously.
Sexual assault isn't seen as much of a priority.
Are you actually kidding me?

And if that wasn't bad enough, then comes the victim shaming.
Well it wasn't really my fault, did you see what she was wearing? She had skin showing and a tight skirt on.
Let's be real here, who could ever blame him?

You start to cover up, go quiet.
Don't bring attention to yourself because you don't want to encourage it.
Blaming yourself thinking that maybe it was your fault.
Maybe I do draw attention to myself.
Overthink it so much, till the self hate hits.

Consent is not based on how someone is dressed.
And no, a maybe does not equal a yes.
This is basic common sense.
But I guess with the way society is going, people tend to expect less.
Which is why it's so hard go so many people to confess that they're a victim of assault. Society shames them to the point where they start to believe, maybe it's their fault.
Which is terrifying.
Because we're not talking about the actions of children here, we're talking about grown adults.

All I'm asking for is respect and privacy.
Not to be cat called and groped when I walk down the street.
To feel safe and in control of my own body.
Not have to put up with hatred and misogyny.
I just want to be treated like an actual human being.
Is that really too much to ask for in 2017?

I shouldn't have to go to school and feel insecure and ashamed.
Made to feel like how I dressed was the reason to blame.
That's not okay.
If we're truly going to bring an end to this then the only effective is to educate. Whether it be in school or at home.
Teach your kids the correct way to behave.
Make them understand that this type of behavior, touching people without consent, is far from okay.
It's only the discipline and education will we see these social attitudes change.
And hopefully educate.

Throughout time objectification of our bodies have been normalized.
It's time for people to realize that we are human beings with thoughts and rights.
We will not put up with this anymore. I will fight to take what rightfully is mine.
Go out there and be bold, make noises, take up space, we will no longer hide.
We will take control of our bodies and we'll own us with pride.
We will not be ashamed or belittled anymore, not now, not tomorrow or anytime soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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