Chapter 5: Visitors

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Ross barged threw the door and looked at me. I glanced at him and back at the knife. He ran up and snatched the knife from my hands. I jumped up to my feet and reached for it.

"No V, you can't do this." He pushed me back.

"Who said you could control what I can do? Plus I wasn't going to do anything! I swear." I reached for it.

"No, at your state I can't give this back."

"My state? What the fuck do you mean by 'my state'?"

"Your tired and you can't think straight. You were holding a knife to your stomach. Get some sleep and I'll give it back. You need rest."

"Fuck you." I spat.

Ross walked across the roof to the other side. He put my knife in his pack and sat next to it. I sat down and dug through my bag. I grabbed a granola bar and ripped it open. I was starving. I ate the granola bar and drank some water. Ross had fallen asleep and I had the strongest urge to get my knife back. He was right though. I needed rest. I'm not thinking straight.

I rest my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I tapped my fingers and hummed along to some songs I remember. I missed listening to music. I'm going to have to find an iPod or something soon. Hopefully a generated and charge it up. What I would do to listen to music again.

"Vivian?" I heard a faint whisper.

"What Ross?" I harshly whispered back.

"It's not Ross baby." The voice answered.

I opened my eyes and looked around. There was no one there. "What the..." I muttered.

"Close your eyes again, baby." The voice cooed.

I laid back and closed my eyes. I had no idea who the hell was talking to me.

"Hey Vivian." I heard a female voice whispered.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"It's us, baby. We are all here. We're with you."

I was so confused. What did they mean by us? "Us? W-we?"

"I missed you Vivian." I heard the girl's voice again.


"Yeah. And Nealia is here, and Josh. James as well. Even Mackenzie. We are all here." She chirped.

"David? Is he here?" I gulped.

"No baby, just us. The ones you cared about. Christa, Lina."

"I never cared for Mack."

"I never cared for you either." She laughed.

I've never heard her laugh, unless it was at me. "J-Jesse. Are you here too?"

"Yeah, baby. I'm here. I'm always here."

"I miss you. So much. All of you."

"We miss you too kid." I heard Nealia's faint voice.

"I can't take it. It's too much."

"Don't say that. You can do this. You've been doing this. You can't give up now. Do this for me, for us. All of us. Do this for Crystal."

"C-Crystal? Our baby girl?"

"Mhmm. Do this for her too."

"Is she here?"

"Yeah baby. She's as beautiful as you. Everything you could imagine."

At this point I was full on sobbing. "I wish I had her. I-I could have been with her. With you. All of you."

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