Chapter 6

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Connor stared in disgust at the four nerds hanging out.

"Are they gay or something?" he snorted.

One of his friends spoke up. "I don't know, man. I don't know. But shouldn't we go beat them up now? They disrespected us."

Connor smirked. "Patience, Bryan, patience. They don't know what's coming for them." He cracked his knuckles. "They're so dead."

Back on the rooftop, Mark, Jackson, Bambam, and Yugyeom were still laughing and joking around when the bell rang. The four of them rushed down the stairs to get to their respective classes, promising to meet up after school at the park to get ice cream.

Mark passed through his 6th and 7th class periods with little drama, until he entered music class.

He sat at a table with the other 3, the four of them tackling any project with enthusiasm and creativity. All four loved music, and on closer inspection, both Mark, Jackson, and Bambam could rap, all four could dance, and Bambam and Yugyeom could sing quite a bit. Jackson was a bit like Mark, too. He had learned gymnastics from an early age and could flip and do tricks on par with Mark.

Today, Mr. Sperling called the class to attention with a big smile on his face. "Class, today, we are going to start an extremely fun project. You will be separated into groups consisting of 2-5 people and perform something of your choice, whether it be a singing, dancing, or playing an instrument. The group who performs best will receive the chance to perform at the school festival where there are scouts from different companies."

Mark's eyes widened as he turned to stare at his seatmates.

Yugyeom whisper yelled, "OMG! If we won, we would perform in front of the whole school! That's so coooooooooooooooool!"

The four of them started discussing what song they would sing and dance to when Bambam had a great idea.

"Let's do Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars! It's a really fun, upbeat song that would be easy to dance too!"

The four of them nodded and started planning who would sing what and where their positions would be when they danced.

Every day after that, the four boys would get together and practice their own choreography to Uptown Funk. They sang and rapped too, dividing up the parts evenly so everyone would get their share of the spotlight.

What they didn't know was that Connor's group had filmed their dance and were learning it themselves in order to steal the dance.

On the day of the performance in class, all the desks and chairs had been cleared away from the center of the room. Everyone gathered in the back and waited for Mr. Sperling to call out a random group.

But before he could say anything, Connor suddenly raised his hand. "Mr. Sperling, may I request that we go first?"

He nodded, and Connor's group lazily made their way up to the front. On the way their, the whole group shot Mark and his friends smirks, leaving the boys wondering what was going to happen.

And when Uptown Funk came on, they realized. Bambam and Mark had to restrain Yugyeom and Jackson from lunging at Connor as his group performed the exact same routine they had been working on for the past 2 weeks.

When it was over, the entire class burst into cheers, all except for Mark and his friends.

They glared at Connor as he walked by, slapped Mark's back, and grinned evilly.

Mr. Sperling proceeded to call out the name of the next group performing. "Mark's group, come on up!"

The four of them froze. Bambam suddenly blurted, "Can we please go last out of everyone? We just realized we have some, um, technical difficulties."

Mr. Sperling's eyebrows raised as he looked over the pleading boys. He sighed. "Fine. But you guys are going tomorrow, do you understand?"

They nodded, mentally panicking at what they were going to do in one day.

As soon as school was over, they walked to the park to try and figure out what to do.

"I can't believe he stole our dance! What the heck? We worked so hard on that!" Jackson fumed.

Mark turned around and thought about any songs they could rehearse in a day. An idea popped into his brain.

"Why don't we perform a kpop song? We all learned Korean, it shouldn't be a problem."

The other three's eyes lit up as they began to think of songs they already knew or could learn the choreography easily. Suggestions began flying out everywhere.

"Love me right by EXO?"

"Nah, we don't have enough people to make that work."

"Bad by infinite?"

"A bit too inappropriate for school."


"...shut up, Bambam."

"Let's do a bit of Back by Infinite mixed with Danger by BTS."

All four agreed to take parts of Back and Danger and mix them together to create an amazing, talent-filled performance. They spent the entire afternoon at the park, rehearsing the dance moves and practicing the rapping and singing. They even added some of their own raps into various parts of the song, exploiting more of their own talents.

When the sun went down, all four agreed to go to Bambam's house to practice. Working late into the night, the boys finally just fell asleep on his sofa from exhaustion.

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