Chapter 8

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When they stepped into school the next day, it was like everything changed. People actually waved at them, smiling and stopping to make small conversation.

They even had fangirls.

Them, labeled as the nerds of the school, had fangirls.

And Connor sure wasn't happy by the looks of it. He looked especially angry today, probably furious that Mark's performance was better than his.

It didn't help that everyone was talking about it.

"Have you heard about that music competition?"

"Oh yeah, Mark's team totally beat Connor's. I didn't even know they had it in them, and honestly, they're sooooo cute!"

"Bambam is so adorable! And Yugyeom acts like his bodyguard...WAIT WHAT IF THEY GOT TOGETHER?! OMG THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE!" Squeals followed the comment.

"Mark looks like a teddy bear...and Jackson is so buff! They're both so much more talented than Connor."

"I recorded their performance; here, let me show it to you."

Snippets of conversation could be heard throughout the entire hall, the main topic being Mark's team's performance.

Apparently, a few kids in their class had recorded the performance and posted it on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc, so everyone had seen the performance one way or another.

Some of the less popular jocks were even coming up to the four and complimenting them on their dancing skills.

Bambam and Yugyeom looked utterly dazed as they tried to comprehend the fact that people knew about and respected them now. Mark could barely breathe when random people popped out of nowhere to hi-five him.

The strangest feeling of being acknowledged by others washed over the four, but they welcomed it with open arms.

If this was what it was like to be popular, then they'd work even harder to improve their dancing, singing and rapping skills.

At lunch, instead of going up to the rooftop, the four headed outside to the courtyard. Eating lunch in about 5 minutes, they went over their playlist before putting on Dope by BTS.

Soon, they had a huge crowd surrounding them, cheering them on as they gracefully moved their bodies in time to the beat. When the song was over, thunderous applause met their ears, and they smiled at the crowd, shooting hearts at unsuspecting girls.

You'd think they'd be awkward around others, but they acted like professional celebrities.

When lunch, ended the four of them headed back inside with high spirits.

Not a single one noticed the glares full of hatred shooting at them from one corner of the hallway...

Music class had just ended and yet another bunch of girls had come up the them and confessed their so-called "feelings" for the four. They were just heading out when Mark felt a hand cover his mouth, kick him in the knee, and drag him away, only to see Jackson, Yugyeom, and Bambam given the same treatment.

Mark looked up into the eyes of a smirking Connor, the latter revelling in their pain.

"Beat them up."

So ensued a series of kicks, punches, and slaps to all four of them as they cowered under Connor's cronies.

It seemed like a lifetime had passed when the kicks finally stopped and they heard footsteps running away.

Mark pulled himself up into a sitting position, his knee throbbing, winded from a particular strong kick to his stomach. He looked over to see Jackson nursing a cut lip, black eye, and bruises all over his body. He winced, thinking of what he himself must look like.

A sudden cry made him snap his head over, quite painfully, to see Yugyeom shaking Bambam's body.

"Bambam what are you doing?! Get up! Wake up!" The blonde sobbed.

Mark and Jackson's eyes widened and they rushed over to Yugyeom's side.

Bambam had a huge lump on his head and several cuts and bruises on his body. Mark took one look and immediately spoke up.

"We need to get Bambam to the nurse now."

With no hesitation, Yugyeom slid his hands under Bambam's body and lifted the unconscious redhead up, cradling the latter carefully to his own body.

The four of them ran to the nurse and burst in loudly, surprising the nurse.

"What are you kids doing? School's out, shouldn't you be home?" she asked kindly.

"We were beat up by a group of kids and our friend Bambam is unconscious," Jackson spoke up.

The nurse glanced over all of them and did a double take, gasping as she took in the bruised and battered bodies of the four.

"I'm so sorry! Put your friend down on that bed and call the ambulance, he has a really bad bruise on his head, and the rest of you need to sit down and let me look and what happened."

They complied, Yugyeom setting Bambam gently down onto the mattress and whipping out his phone to call the ambulance.

The three could only sit and wait for the ambulance to arrive while they themselves were checked for dangerous injuries.

Five minutes later, the ambulance had arrived, with their blaring sirens and flashing lights. 2 people hurried to carry Bambam on a stretcher and place him gently in the back of the ambulance.

Mark, Jackson, and Yugyeom were asked to get in another car and were driven away to the hospital. Upon arriving, they were greeted with horrified stares from the rest of the guests and patrons.

Each was rushed to a different room to get checked for any serious injuries.

Fortunately, the three were in no apparent harm. Yugyeom was the least hurt out of all of them, and only sported a couple of bandaids on his face. His legs and arms were lightly bruised, but other than that, he looked fine.

Mark wasn't too bad off either, he had some ice for his stomach, but his face was relatively undamaged; he only had one bandaid covering a particularly bad cut on his cheek.

Jackson, on the other hand, had a cut lip and black eye, which kind of made him look like a panda. He too, had bandaids all over and held some ice to his side.

The three now only waited anxiously for news on Bambam. The second the four had entered the hospital, they had lost sight of Bambam and hadn't seen him since. They wandered around, stealing some of the hospital food(surprisingly it wasn't too bad) and asking the nurses if there was a sighting of their silverette friend.

They finally received an answer from a kind, elderly nurse who pointed them in the direction Bambam had been carried away. When arriving at the door, they were met by a doctor who instructed them to be quiet, for Bambam still hadn't woken up.

Yugyeom entered the room first, tearing up when he saw Bambam lying unconscious on the bed. He flew to the silverette's side and slid into a chair right next to his head, slipping their hands together in a tight grasp.

Mark and Jackson stood by and watched as Yugyeom murmured apologies to their unconscious friend, silently cursing Connor and his friends to hell. Bambam was such a sweet, cheerful kid, and here he was, pale and motionless.

Yugyeom had clearly been hit the hardest from Bambam's injury, for the two had been best friends since elementary school. They were two peas in a pod and went together like British tea and biscuits.

Mark shuffled slightly closer into Jackson's back hug and sighed.

"Yugyeom, we need to go, visiting hours are over," Mark whispered.

Immediately, the blond's head shot up and shook frantically. "No way. I'm staying with Bambam tonight."

Mark didn't bother to argue and hugged Yugyeom one more time before leaving with Jackson.

Why does Connor even hate me so much? I've never done anything to him.

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