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Zak and I land in Italy around noon. "Italy can you believe it Zak!" I smile at him. I've always wanted to go to Italy. 'I wish I came here when I was human.' I tell Zak. "Sorry love." Zak smiles at me. We stroll down the ancient brick road to our house. 'The people smell so good here.' I think to my lovely husband. 'We will go hunting after we put our stuff in our room.' He tells me with a smirk. "Okay." We finally make it to our house. We race around putting our stuff away. We then go out into the streets. Zak takes my hand in his as we stroll down the city of love. "This place has not changed in decades." Zak tells me. "You've been here before?" I ask him curiously. "Yes, long time ago." He smiles. "I see." I continue to hold his hand. "This couple here. You can have the man I'll have the woman." Zak tells me. "Okay." We then go over to them leading them away from people. We then pounce on them. The man tasted so good. The warm of his blood calmed my aching burning throat. We disposed o the bodies then walked around the city of Venice until dark. "Time to turn in my love." Zak leads me back to the house as he holds my hand. We make it and walk in. Zak picks me up speeding to the bedroom. "Your all mine. I'm not taking it easy on you." He whispered as he kissed my neck. He bite me softly. His hands made their way to the bottom of my shirt. He changed his tactic and ripped my shirt off. "Zachary!! That was my favorite shirt." "Shhh." He tells me as he kisses down to my brest. "Don't rip my bra please." I ask of him. He sits me up and unhooks it laying me back down. He kisses and sucks my Brest. "Mmm." He then kisses down to my pant line. He sits up and takes his shirt off. He's so handsome it drives me crazy! He then takes my pants off along with his. We where in our underwear. "Your all mine." He growls as he kisses my mouth. He kissed me roughly as his hands traveled my body. He then kissed and licked his way down to the inside of my thighs. "Zak." I moan wanting to feel him inside of me. "Shh no moaning or talking if you do your going to get punished." He tells me. "Okay daddy." I agree. He then pulled down my underwear with his teeth. Sexy bastard. He then put his hand between my legs. "Your so wet." He tells me as he tease me. He kissed down to the wetness. Just get in me already. "Patient my love." Zak replied to my thought. He then stuck a finger in me. "You like that?" He smiles at me. I go to speak. "Don't you DARE speak." He speeds up. I hold my breath trying not to make a noise. I tug on his boxers trying to rip them off. "No." he smacks my hand away. Zak come on baby your killing me. "Good." He gives me a sexy smirk. He then takes his boxers off revealing every inch of him. He's so sexy. He's so toned and sculpted. He then presses his body against mine kissing my neck. I could feel how hard he actually was. He spread my legs pushing them against the bed. Please Zak please. He then entered me. I held my moan in the best as I could. "Your so tight." He growls as he slowly moves his torso. Faster. He then moved a bit faster. He felt so good. "Mmmm." I moaned. "What did daddy tell you?" He stops. "I'm sorry I'm sorry daddy." I apologize. "To late. You've been a naughty girl." He then moves faster and harder. This isn't the fastest he's gone with me. "ZACHARY!" I dig my nails into his back. He felt so good but hurt so bad. "Daddy! Baby your so big." I scratch his back. He pounded me so hard I could feel the tingle in my feet. "I can't take you. Slow down." I beg him. "No." he growls as he flips isn't into a new position. He continued to bang me. "ZAK!" I scream his name. He ignored me and kept going. Oh god. I gripped the headboard for support. "Your so tight." He mumbles as he holds on to my hips. "I'm going to cum." He tells me. "Please daddy please." "Mmmm." He hit his max then came out. He laid back on the bed so I laid with him. "That's the best sex we ever had." I kiss his cheek. "I knew you would like it. Your kinky like that babe." "I know." I kiss his neck. "I'm surprised you took it as well as you did." "I couldn't take any moment longer." "I know." He wraps his arms around me. "On the bright side I don't have to get up to go to the bathroom after." "No the bright side is we don't sleep. Which means your mine all night Mrs. Bagans." He kisses my sweet spot. "Fantastic but I need to feed before then." I tell him and get up. "You just ate." "I'm still hungry and I almost bite you." I race around putting my clothes on. "Okay, let's go." Zak races up speeding into his clothes. I go behind him and jump on his back. "What are you doing love?" Zak chuckles. I bite his neck gently then kiss it. "I love you." "I love you too baby girl. Let's hurry up and hunt so we can get back." I get down and follow him out of the house i take his hand as we stroll down the street. We find a couple of men walking down the street. 'They are gay. I'm going to have to work them.' Zak tells me. I watch as Zak walks by them and stops looking at them. "Wow you two are so handsome." Zak smiles at them. "Are you two together?" "Just friends." "In that case would you two like to come to my place?" Zak takes the bigger man's hand. "And do what?" the younger man asks. "I can fulfill your fantasies." Zak kisses his hand. I felt so jealous of this man. I want to go up and just kill them already. 'No wait Harley.' Zak thought to me. "Alright lets go." they agree. Zak then pulls them to our house. Zak shuts and locks the door so i sneak in the back. I come in to see Zak Kissing the older man. Zak pushes him off and slams him into the door. "ZACHARY!" I yell at him. "I'm sorry baby he kissed me." he apologized as he had the man pressed against the door. "Who is she?" the younger guy asks Zak. "That's my wife." Zak had a smile run across his face at my title. "Wife??" they question. "Come on daddy i'm thirsty. I need to drink so we can get back to our honeymoon." I go over to the smaller man. "dont move." i tell them. Zak and i start our feast. We finish up then depose of the bodies. Zak walks me back to our little house and we go back to the bedroom. "I don't know about you but I'm really horny." He throws me on the bed. "It's probably from kissing that man." "No, i was disgusted by that." He begins to softly bite me. "Zak, I dont know if i can handle you." "I'll take it easy." he breaths as his facial hair grazes my neck. I just love that feeling. He then started undressing me. "Lets have some fun." Zak smiles at me. "I know where your going with this." I give him a smirk. "I'm going to control you love." He gets on top of me then kissed my lips. "I'm good with that." I smile at him. "Good."

I laid on Zak's cold chest. "It just gets better and better each time." Zak plays with my hair. "Id say so." I mumble. "You know I miss watching you sleep. I really miss you being human." He tells me. "But now I'm like you. I'm better this way." I look up at him. "I know I still love you but I miss you at the same time." "Zachary I'm still the same woman I was before. I'm just better. I'm like you." "I know love. I'm just saying I miss when you'd fall asleep on me." "I do too. Now I can lay with you and spend all entirety with you and our kids." I tell him. "Yeah, forever and forever." He smiles at he happy thought. "What are we going to do in the morning?" I ask him. "Well I was thinking of touring the city and going in a gondola." He tells me as he holds me tighter. "Perfect!" I kiss his cheek. "Yeah, I knew you would like it." He smiled happily at me. "I love it. I always wanted to go in a gondola." "I know love."

Soon dawn was soon us. Zak and I get dressed. "Let's call the kids." I smile at him pulling my phone out. "They might be sleeping love." Zak tells me as he puts his shoes on. "I'm calling them anyways." I tell him. The phone rings Twice then they pick up. "Mommy!" Lucy smiled into the phone. "Hey baby girl." I smile happily at her voice. "I miss you." She tells me in her sweet innocent little voice. "I miss you too baby girl. Mommy and daddy miss you both very much." "When are you coming home?" She asks me. "We will be home next month." "That's so long." She whined. "I know my love. Where's William?" "He's sleeping." She tells me softly. "Why aren't you sleeping?" "I'm not tired." "Okay, here's daddy." I hand the phone to Zak. "Hey princess." Zak smiled into the phone. "Hi daddy." She giggled from joy. "How are you doing love?" "I'm doing good." "That's good. Are you behaving for uncle Aaron?" "Yes daddy." "That's good. I miss you baby girl." "I miss you too daddy." We then hang up I lay on Zak's lap. "Lets have a human breakfast." I smile at him. "We do have humans for breakfast." He tells me. "No, let's eat like humans for breakfast." "Harley, honey, it's not the same. We don't get full from human food." "Does it still taste the same?" I ask him curiously.


"Then lets have a human breakfast." I sit up. "Baby I don't know." "Zachary come on. I want to live my dream." I run my fingers through his hair. "I don't like human food." He sighs. "You don't have to eat." "You always make me eat." He tells me. "I won't I promise." "Fine." He gives in with a big sigh. "Come on it will be fun." I smile at him and kiss his cheek. "If you say so." "You said last night how you miss me being human, why don't you want me to do this human thing now?" I question him. "Your not going to like it." "I might." "Let's go then." He gets up. I follow him out of our little Italian house and walk down the street with him. "Can you speak Italian?" I ask him. "Yes." He answered me. "I never knew that." "There's a lot of things you don't know about me love." "I'd like to learn." I take his hand. "We have forever." He tells me. We make it to a bakery. "This one." I smile at him. We go in and go to the counter. The man came over to us with a big smile. "Cosa vorresti?" He says. "He said what would you like. " Zak translated for me. "Chocolate eclair." I smile. "Si." He then hands it to me. Zak pays for it and we sit down. I take a bite of my chocolate eclair. I smile at Zak as I eat it. "So good." I eat more of it. "I'm shocked. Is it better than our diet?" "No, but it's so good." I finish it up. Zak and I shop around the city until noon. "Let's ride in a gondola now." I smile and pull him to the water.

Zak and I find a beautiful black and purple one

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Zak and I find a beautiful black and purple one. The man sat in his boat waiting for his next customer. We get in and sit down. The man start rowing the boat. "Ahhh." I freak out. "I'm so excited." I smile at him. "You can check this one off your list." Zak smiles. "Sure can. Here let me take a picture of you." I get on the other seat and snap a photo of him. "Let's take one together." He smiles kindly at me. "Okay." We then take a photo together. I'm so happy right now. This is Thebes's best honeymoon ever. 'I'm glad you like it.' Zak thinks to me. I sit with him as we stroll down the water way. Just seeing this different culture is so exciting and new. I love it here. "Well that house we are staying in. It's ours. So we can come here when ever we want." He smiles at me. "Oh thank you Zachary." I hug him. This is a perfect beginning to a beautiful marriage.

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