Worlds Apart

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Two months later **

The kids just woke up and came down the stairs. "Is mommy home??" Lucy runs downstairs looking everywhere. William then joins her and looks. I look down at the ground heartbroken. "Guys she not here." I tell them. They come over with shoulders slouched. "Daddy?" William looks up at me. "What buddy?" I look him in the eyes. "You really did kill mommy didn't you?" He weeps. His cries were so loud and heartfelt Lucy joined in. "Guys guys I didn't kill her. I would never kill your mother" I tell them. "Where is she?" Lucy asks me. "Daddy, I miss mommy." William cries and hugs me. It took everything I had not to cry with them. I hug them until they stopped crying. William then had a vision. It was night time at ten o'clock. Cake was on the kitchen table , the kids were in bed. The front door opens revealing Harley. She walked up the stairs and into the kids room. She goes over to William and brushes his hair back. William wakes up and jumps into her arms. She hugs him and kisses his head. Lucy wakes up and jumps into her arms. Harley smelled her then began to kiss her. The kids were all over her giving her love. Harley then stood up and took the kids with her. She got halfway down the street before I caught up with her. I got the kids away from her and killed her. The vision then ended. I look over at William to see he was crying. "Daddy?" William backs away from me. "William, no I would never." I hold my hand out to him. "Daddy? Where is mommy really?" Lucy asks me. "She's in Italy at our house." I tell them. Lucy races up stairs and grabs my phone. Great now she is going to call her. She goes over to William and calls Harley. The phone rings and rings. She's dead. She's not going to answer. "Hello?" Harley answers the phone. She's alive!!? "Mommy!!!" Lucy smiles. "Lucy?" "Yes mommy, where are you?" She asks. "Umm, I can't say." She tells them knowing I'm listening. "Are you coming home? We got you presents and cake." Lucy tells "did you? Why?" She had a smile in her voice. "Yes! Its your birthday!" William tells her. "Its my birthday?" She asked shocked. "Yes." They yell together. "Oh." The kids then sing happy birthday to her. Harley began to cry. I tap into her mind to see what she was thinking. 'They still love me after what I did to them' "happy birthday mommy!" They smile. "Thank you loves." She sniffles. "What do you want for your birthday?" William asks. 'I want my family back. I want Zak back. I have to come home. I need to come home. I'm coming home. If I come home Zak will kill me. He probably has a new girl by now. I can't come home. I'll find away to see my kids without him knowing. Yeah. I'll sneak to see them. I just want to hold them in my arms and tell them how much I love them. I would never hurt them. Zak on the other hand.' "I want to see you guys. Where's daddy?" She asks them. 'Tell her I'm outside' I think to both of them. "He's outside." Lucy tells her. "Okay. I'm going to come see you tonight. Don't say anything to daddy ." she tells them. I grow madder by the second. "Why?" William asks. "I want it to be a surprise." She lies to them. "Ok ." they smile. "How's daddy doing?" She asks softly. "Not to good. He took down all of your pictures and he barley talks to anyone. He's very angry." Lucy tells her. Great the kids shouldn't know this. "Is he still wearing his ring?" Harley asks heartbroken. The kids then look at my hands. "No, he took it off when you went on vacation." Lucy tells her. "Oh, I see." She sighs. I see her look down at her and at her ring. "Daddy has a new friend too." William says. "Yeah, she's very pretty." Lucy smiles. Oh god no. "What?" Harley's voice cracked from the pain. "Yeah, he kisses her all the time." William tells her. "I see. Is she your new mommy?" She asks crying. "No!!" They yell at her. "Glad to see where his heart truly was." "Don't worry mommy daddy still loves you." Lucy tells her as she looks into my eyes. "No honey he doesn't." She cries. I feel so bad hearing my wife cry. I still love her. She's my world,my rock, my sunshine. "I'll go ask daddy." Lucy says. She pauses then talks to me. "Daddy?" She calls me. "Yes sweetheart?" I play along. "Do you still love mommy?" "Of course I do. Why do you ask that?" "Just wondering." She lies. "Why do you have my phone? Who are you talking to?" "No one." "Here let me see." She gives me the phone and I go outside. "Hello?" I ask. It was silent. "Who is this?" "Harley." She answers. "HARLEY!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TALKING TO MY CHILDREN!!??" I get mad. "Okay they called me and they are my kids too!" She tells me. "Not any more! You threw everything away." "I'm better now Zak. I don't want to kill anyone. I love them." She tells me. Just them? Not me anymore? "Yes, just them. You have a new bitch. Shows how much you truly cared for me. Going out and replacing me." "I didn't replace you." I sigh. "Oh really? Taking down all my pictures,taking off your ring, and having a girlfriend." She lits off. "Harley, I thought you were dead. Plus you gave everything up." "Zak, I lost control once. I'm better now. I want our life back.". "Harley, I can't take a chance of you hurting our kids." "Zak, like you never lost control before." "I have lost control. That's why I don't want you to come back. Your going to want to finish the job.". "No." She refuses. "Harley, its over OK. I can't have you hurting me or my kids." "Why are you doing this to me? Do you really love that new bitch of yours?" She snarls throwing that in my face. "No! I don't love her.". "THEN WHY IS SHE AROUND?!?!"



"Harley, just go. I don't want you talking to my children or ever seeing them." I tell her with a broken heart. This is the hardest thing I have ever done. "Why?" "Well maybe because you tried to kill everyone." I tell her rudely. "Zak, have some faith in me. I can control myself now."

"No,I will not chance it. Those kids are my priority."

"Zak, don't throw away what we had." She tells me what I told her. "You already did." "Zak, I love you and our kids. I wanna come back home." She weeps. It hurt me so bad to listen to her sob. Try pain in my chest hurt hearing her. "I don't want to see you ever again. I don't love you I never did. You are nothing to me! You show your ugly face here I'll kill you. I don't care if the kids see." I tell her. Correction this is the hardest thing I had i do. To tell the love of my existence I don't love her. She sat on the phone crying. She was in so much pain. "I always loved you " she finally tells me. "Well sucks for you." I continue my antics. "Zachary , please?" "No! If you show your face here ill KILL YOU! NOW GOODBYE!" I hang up on her. Its for everyone's protection. For Harleys too.

I finally put the kids to bed. I stand by the front door waiting for Harley to show up. I'll stand here all night. Its been hours and she hasn't showed. I look at the clock to see it was twelve. Well maybe she isn't going to show. I don't know why but I felt bad she didn't come. I guess deep down I want her back. She is my wife after all. I then heard the kids giggling in their room. What are they doing up? Harley!! I rush upstairs into their room. I look to see some sick woman laying on the bed with the kids in her arms. I froze in place as I look at her. She looked to be on deaths bed. Her hair was dirty and greasy, her face was covered in dirt, she was skin and bones, her clothes were so baggy on her they looked to be five sizes too big. I've never seen a vampire look so bad. "Daddy look mommy came home." Lucy smiles. "Yeah, now you can get rid of Sarah." William smiles. The kids never really liked her to begin with. "Daddy, mommy's home again!" Lucy smiles. "No she's not. She's still sick. " I tell them. "We can take care of her." They smile. "Harley, come with me please." I act for the kids. She continued to lay on the bed with the kids in her arms. I go over to her moving the kids. "Daddy!" They throw a fit. I grab Harley by her wrist and drag her out. I bring her outside. Her legs gave out and she laid on the floor. She didn't even have enough energy or strength to stand. "What did I tell you about showing up here?" I begin to get upset. "I had to see my family." She mumbles. "You put our kids in danger again. I'm keeping my word." I flip her over and pin her to the ground. She opened her eyes and looked at me. Her eyes were sorrowful and weak. "Give me one more chance." She whispered. "I can't." I whisper back. "Okay, then put me out of my misery. If I can't be with my family I don't want to live." She tells me. I felt my heart drop into my stomach. I grab her neck getting ready to kill her. "DADDY STOP!!" the kids run over to us. "Daddy please don't kill mommy." "Get inside now." I tell them angrily. "Daddy mommy loves us. She is better now." "Zachary, just do it." Harley sighs as she takes Lucy's hand. I tighten my grip and begin to twist. "AHHHHHHHHHHH." Lucy screamed along with William. I snapped her neck off completely. That's it. She's dead. "MOMMY!!!" Lucy screams as she lays on her. What have I done? I killed her. My kids were weeping at the sight of their dead mother. Why did I do this? I look at my dead wife on the ground. "Harley?" I call her hoping to get a reply. "I'm so sorry love." I begin to cry. I take her in my arms holding her to me. "I love you." I cry upset. I stand up and lay her under the willow tree. I take the kid's hands and lead them inside. I put them to bed then go back outside. I go under the willow tree to see it was empty. What? Where did she go? Is she still alive? No, she can't be. I snapped her neck. She's gone. "Harley?" I call her. She was gone. I go back inside and sit on the couch and begin to cry again.

**two weeks later **
This house has never felt so empty. The kids barely talk or play. They are too heartbroken for anything. The kids were in bed and I go to the kitchen. I see a note on the counter addressed to me. I pick it up and read it.

This is Sarah. I just wanted to let you know you killed an innocent woman. It was I who made Harley lose control and attack your ugly excuse of a vampire. You see my ability is to convince the mind it wants to do something. It was all too easy to convince her mind to attack. She never wanted to hurt you or your children. Here's the irony, you killed your own wife and slept with her framer. A family member for a family member.

Damion's sister, Sarah.

I then close the letter. My love! What have I done? I need her back. I want her home. I killed an innocent loving mother. She begged me to kill her because she couldn't see her kids. I'm a monster. If I could have one more chance with her. I wish I could make things right. I want to go back in time and change how I treated her. Harley, I'm so sorry.

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